The-5-Best-Yoga-Poses_activ living community

Best Yoga For Kids Poses To Calm Your Children’s Minds

Yoga poses for kids are highly recommended due to their physical and emotional benefits. It is a holistic practise that promotes overall well-being and supports the healthy development of children. Yoga can help you with valuable life skills, cultivate mindfulness, and set a strong foundation for a healthy lifestyle.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Why is yoga for kids recommended?

Yoga for kids is very different from yoga for adults. While the quiet, calming, hour-long classes are easy to imagine when thinking of yoga, children cannot sit still for long. As a result, yoga for kids involves singing, dancing, telling stories, and playing games.

International Yoga Day is just around the corner, and while adults get ready to do Surya Namaskar challenges, it is important that kids, too, get involved. Yoga for kids is excellent activity on several levels. Not only does it help them maintain good physical posture, but it also strengthens their minds. Several yoga poses for kids can help calm your children’s minds. 

बच्चों के लिए 5 योग आसन

Here are the 5 best yoga poses for kids that you can encourage them to practise:

Warrior pose

Warrior pose_activ living community

Warrior Pose is a powerful yoga posture that can greatly benefit kids. It strengthens their legs, improves strength, mobility and balance. This yoga for kids can enhance their body awareness and promote good posture.

  • Stand on the yoga mat with your feet together.
  • Next, lunge forward with the right leg while raising your arms above your head. 
  • Join your palms and hold the pose for three deep breaths. 
  • Then stretch out your hands on either side and take three more deep breaths before returning your arms and legs to the rest position. 
  • Repeat with the left leg. 

This pose can help release negative emotions and increases stamina and focus. 

Cat and cow pose 

The cat and cow pose is a gentle movement that helps kids develop a healthy spine and release tension in their back. This yoga for kids can have magical effects when practised regularly. 

  • Go down on all four limbs on the mat and keep your back straight. 
  • Then arch your back and stretch it upwards as far as it will go. 
  • Tilt your head downwards so that you face your body. 
  • Next, drop your back and raise your head towards the ceiling to get into the cow pose.

The cat and cow pose can be amazing for restoring your spine’s strength. In addition, practising this yoga pose can also help in blood circulation. 

Happy baby pose

The happy baby pose is a playful, relaxing yoga pose that kids enjoy. It gently stretches the hips, groin, and lower back, releasing tension and promoting flexibility. 

  • Lie on the mat and then pull your knees back so they are near your chest and your feet are raised. 
  • Reach up with your hands and hold on to your toes. 
  • Now rock yourself back and forth to massage your back and realign your spine. 

Regular practise of the happy baby pose can help improve your flexibility and mood levels. 

Tree pose 

yoga-Pose _activ living community

Tree pose is a balancing yoga posture that helps kids to develop stability and focus. 

  • Stand on the yoga mat 
  • Bend your right knee and place your right foot at the side of your left knee. 
  • Join your hands above your head and hold the pose for three deep breaths. 
  • Now place your left foot at the side of your right knee, join your hands over your head and hold this stance.

This pose helps to create a connection between the mind and body and has a very calming effect on our bodies.

 Downward Facing Dog pose

Downward Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana pose, is one of the most famous yoga poses that strengthen the entire body. It stretches the hamstrings, calves, and back muscles while opening the shoulders and chest.  

  • Get down towards the ground with your hands and knees. Be sure to get your knees below your hips
  • Spread your palms
  • While exhaling, consider moving your knee away from the ground. Keep your feet straight and get in a V position. 
  • Finally, take the top of your thighs straight and back. Maintain the space between two shoulders. 
  • Taking the top of the thighs and knees back.Press upper arms towards each other, shoulder blades down along the spine, but keep the space across the tops of the shoulders.

Practising Downward Facing dog pose can help you energize and rejuvenate your body when practised daily. 

Sleeping pose

The sleeping pose, savasana, is the best way to end yoga for kids. 

  • Lie flat on the yoga mat, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. 
  • You can even dim the lights and add soothing music to help calm the mind.

This pose promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety, and improves sleep quality. As a result, the sleeping pose is a great yoga technique for calming the mind. 

Practising yoga daily can help you enhance your mental and physical attributes. These yoga for kids can help secure a healthy future! 

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