Homeopathy For Thyroid_Activ Living Community

Homeopathic Medicine For Thyroid Disorders

The world of medicine is evolving very fast, with each discipline of medicine offering treatments for various ailments. होमियोपैथी stands out as a form of complementary and alternative medicine which has been practised for centuries. Thyroid disorders have become increasingly prevalent in today’s world. Many patients are exploring alternative avenues for relief from thyroid disorders. Homeopathic medicines can be the perfect solution as they don’t contain any side effects. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is a thyroid gland?

A thyroid gland is a small pear-shaped gland located below the neck, just behind the Adam’s apple. Being the largest endocrine gland in your body, it produces thyroid hormones Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4).

The most vital function of these hormones is to regulate your body’s metabolism. They also produce energy that the whole body can utilize. Hence, any change in thyroid function has a drastic effect on your energy levels, blood sugar level, circulation, and इम्यून सिस्टम, along with the growth and development of the whole body.

What causes thyroid disorders?

Thyroid Disorder_Activ Living Community

You may have either hypothyroidism, where there is an underproduction of thyroid hormones or hyperthyroidism, resulting in overproduction of these hormones.

Cause of hypothyroidism 

Hypothyroidism is a health condition where you don’t have enough thyroid hormones in your bloodstream, resulting in a slow metabolic process. This affects your entire body and can even cause extremely low levels of thyroid, known as myxedema. Here are the primary causes of hypothyroidism:

  • Hashimoto’s disease: This medical condition is hereditary, where your body’s immune system attacks and damages your thyroid
  • Goiter (swelling in the neck) 
  • Benign lumps, nodules or tumors occurring in the thyroid gland
  • Thyroiditis (inflammation of your thyroid)
  • आनुवंशिक विकार: Genetic history can make you more prone to hypothyroidism
  • Medicinal/surgical treatments in the past

What are the symptoms of thyroid disorders?

In case you are suffering from thyroid dysfunction, here are some of the following symptoms that you may experience:

  1. Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:
  • Dry skin and hair
  • Face puffiness
  • Sudden weight gain
  • कब्ज
  • ठंड का मौसम सहन न कर पाना
  • डिप्रेशन
  • थकान
  1. Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:
  • बाल का झड़ना
  • Protrusion of eyes
  • हृदयगति बढ़ना
  • वज़न घटना
  • गर्मी बर्दाश्त ना कर पाना
  • Difficulty in sleeping

Early and correct diagnosis is essential to prescribe the proper form of treatment. If you are diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, here are a few things you need to take care of:

  • Take medicines regularly
  • Sufficient water intake
  • Proper sleep (6-8 hours)
  • Daily workout
  • Avoid processed foods such as tinned foods, cheese etc.

Homeopathic medicine for thyroid disorders

Thyroid Treatment In Homeopathy_Activ Living Community

If you want to manage thyroid disorders, then homoeopathy is the best option you can come across. But, most people are still not aware of its effectiveness.

Homoeopathic treatments affect our immune system directly and restore normal body function. Homeopathy treatment also helps in cases of autoimmune causes leading to Thyroid Disorders. Here are some of the homeopathic medicines that you can get:

  • Sepia Officinalis: Sepia Officinalis is prescribed to women, especially those with menstrual irregularities, mood swings, or who are going through menopause.

Symptoms addressed: Fatigue, cold hands and feet, hair loss, constipation and mood swings.

  • Calc Carb: Recommended for individuals who are chilly, overweight, and have a slow metabolism.

Symptoms addressed: Weight gain, chilliness, excessive perspiration, menstrual irregularities, constipation, anxiety, craving for eggs, chalks, and lime, and aversion to fatty food. 

  • Lycopodium Clavatum: Derived from the spores of the club moss plant, this medicine is often prescribed for digestive complaints and individuals with prominent right-sided symptomatology (a medical condition on a particular side of your body).

Symptoms addressed: Weight gain despite little food intake, constipation, bloating, flatulence, anxiety, weakness, sudden hair fall, pale face with yellow circles around your eyes.

  • Iodium: This medicine is derived from iodine, a chemical element essential for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Predominantly used for conditions resembling hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid, it’s also prescribed for enlarged glands, including swollen lymph nodes and an enlarged thyroid gland (Goiter).

Symptoms addressed: Rapid metabolism, excessive sweating, palpitations, intolerance to heat, protruding eyes, nervous restlessness, enlarged thyroid gland, increased appetite with a tendency to lose weight despite eating well. There may also be frequent bowel movements.

  • Graphites: Graphites are often prescribed for chronic skin conditions, especially those characterized by dryness, roughness, and a tendency to develop cracks or fissures.

Symptoms addressed: Eczema with thick and hardened skin, which oozes a sticky honey-like fluid. Cracks or fissures, especially on the hands, feet, and the corners of the eyes, and constipation with hard stools are often associated with haemorrhoids और delayed and irregular menstruations. 

  • Lycopodium:  Lycopodium is prescribed for hypothyroidism, especially for people with digestive issues, flatulence, and bloating.

Symptoms addressed: Individuals who may benefit from Lycopodium often display a lack of self-confidence, irritability, and a tendency towards chronic fatigue. It’s believed that Lycopodium can help in balancing the thyroid function while also addressing related gastrointestinal issues. 

  • Spongia: Spongia is most often recommended for hyperthyroidism and Goiter. 

Symptoms addressed: Patients who need Spongia might experience symptoms like swelling in the neck, dryness of mouth, palpitations, and a rapid pulse. 

जबकि homoeopathic medicines can help control your thyroid symptoms without any unwanted aggravation or side effects, it is always important to consult a healthcare provider before making any changes to your treatment regimen. Early homoeopathic treatment for thyroid issues also helps overcome underactive and overactive thyroid complications, which indirectly cures chronic fatigue, infertility, obesity, depression, etc.

We are well aware that Homeopathic treatment is based on the principle of individualization, that is, the treatment is specific to each individual. A personalized single remedy is prescribed to the patient, which naturally improves the thyroid gland’s function.

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