Best dishes to avoid Cold

Best Dishes You Can Eat To Avoid Catching Cold & Flu

Cold & Flu are two of the most common illnesses encountered by humans that can be caused due to hundreds of different viruses and germs. There is no way to prevent yourself from these viruses, but to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Amongst these, having a healthy diet is the most important one. Thus, to keep you protected from germs and ensure proper nutrition for your body we have compiled a list of the best foods you can eat to prevent catching a cold and flu.

What To Know:

What Causes Cold & Flu?

Common cold and Influenza are both respiratory diseases that are caused when the body comes into contact with infectious viruses. Common cold can be caused by over 200 different viruses, out of which the rhinovirus, coronavirus, and RSV & parainfluenza are the most common causes of common cold. Around 20-30% of cases of common cold are caused by unknown reasons as well. On the other hand, flu is caused due to the influenza A, B, and C viruses, with influenza A and B being the most common types.

Both, cold and flu, are caused when the body comes in contact with their corresponding viruses through droplets that are either spread by an infectious person through air or by contaminating a surface.

How To Prevent Cold & Flu?

There is no fixed cure for a common cold although you can vaccinate yourself against certain strains of viruses that cause flu. It is widely accepted by medical experts that in case of cold and flu, prevention is the best cure. The best way to safeguard yourself against these diseases is to prevent contact with an infectious person or build your body’s immunity against diseases by adopting a healthy lifestyle. We’ve listed down some common methods to prevent yourself from catching cold and flu.

  • Maintaining hand hygiene
  • Regular sleep cycle
  • टेम्परेचर कंट्रोल
  • Avoiding contact with sick people and infected surfaces
  • Eat immunity building foods

Dishes To Prevent Cold & Flu

There are a wide variety of dishes, traditionally cooked in an Indian household, that can help you prevent cold and flu. We’ve listed down some of them below:

1 Oats & Chia Porridge

Low in fat, high-calorie content, and a fulfilling dose of Omega 3 acids makes Oats and Chia Porridge a nutritious breakfast dish that you can eat for protection against cold and flu. This dish activates your immune system and increases the number of protective immune cells in the body to fight germs.

2 Kashayam

Prepared with a blend of milk, roasted masalas, and Kashayam powder, this ayurvedic drink will help to boost immunity as well as fight indigestion. To prepare Kashayam drink, roast coriander seeds, cumin seeds, black pepper, fennel seeds, cloves and green cardamom, then transfer them into a pestle and grind it. Boil the mixture in milk, and add kashayam powder along with dry ginger powder and turmeric powder. Boil for another 2-3 minutes, strain the mixture, add jaggery, and sip to revitalise your mornings with a healthy dose of antioxidants.

3. जिंजर एल

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of Ginger Ale makes it a healthy drink that boosts immunity against common diseases like cold and flu. However, the presence of sugar in the drink makes some people apprehensive about its benefits. Thus, while preparing Ginger Ale at home, add sugar in moderation to reap maximum health benefits.

As your body is always vulnerable to attacks from influenza causing germs. Supplement your immune system with nutrition from the above-mentioned dishes to prevent cold and flu. For more tips on living a healthier life visit the Mindfulness and Fitness sections of the Activ Living Blog.

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