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Emotional Freedom Technique: EFT Tapping

In this run-of-the-mill life, our health problems often take a backseat, and stress takes over, leading to issues like anxiety, weight gain, neurological disorders and disruption in body functioning. Therefore, addressing them at the grassroots level is the need of the hour. EFT tapping is a holistic and complementary therapy that offers solutions to these problems.

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What is EFT tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is an alternative treatment for physical pain and emotional distress. It is a combination of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology, so it is also called energy psychology or psychological acupressure. Those who use this technique believe that tapping the body can bring balance to your energy system and treat pain. Although research is still being done, EFT tapping has been used to treat people with anxiety and those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

This technique is based on the idea that physical reactions caused by trauma and strong emotions can stay inside the body. EFT Tapping helps you relieve that physical reaction if the trauma and strong emotions resurge. The meridian-based intervention will be stimulated by accessing the energy system through acupressure. This intervention further inhibits the physiological response and sets off the trauma.

EFT tapping became popular in the late 1990s through a website published by Garg Craig, which enabled access to all relevant information available to the public. The EFT tapping technique was first discovered by a group of doctors who helped their patients deal with stress, fear, and anxiety by stimulating their acupressure points. This technique was then patented by psychologist Roger Callahan.

How does EFT Tapping work?

Like acupuncture, EFT tapping focuses on the meridian points (sensitive points) — or energy hot spots — to restore your body’s energy balance. Restoring this energy balance is believed to relieve symptoms caused by a negative experience or emotion. 

Based on Chinese medicine, meridian points are areas of the body through which energy flows. These pathways help balance energy flow to maintain your health. Any imbalance can result in disease or illness.

Acupuncture uses needles to apply pressure to these energy points. EFT uses fingertip tapping to apply pressure. 

EFT tapping helps to bring people’s attention to their physical health and breathing. It is also beneficial for distraction from anxiety or stress-causing issues.

However, to address specific issues, EFT tapping can be performed on an individual level by following the 5 steps below, as suggested by Capanna-Hodge:

  1. Think about one problem at a time and focus on it.
  2. On a scale of 0 to 10, rank the intensity at which the duration of your EFT session will be determined.
  3. Follow the sequence of the nine EFT Tapping Points as described in the Sequence section below.
  4. Repeat this general setup phrase as you go through the tapping rounds: “Even though I have this [fear or problem], I accept myself deeply and completely.”
  5. Rank the intensity on a scale of 0 to 10 and take the test again. You can continue until your level is 3 or lower.

Although self-treatment with EFT tapping can be effective for some people to feel better, it is also essential to seek professional help for both your physical and emotional problems. It is advisable to consult a doctor before considering using EFT techniques.

Who uses EFT tapping?

EFT tapping may be helpful for people with the following conditions:

In addition, other studies show that people with physical conditions such as psoriasis, fibromyalgia, headaches, pulmonary injuries, side effects of chemotherapy, traumatic brain injury, and seizures also respond to Emotional Freedom Technique tapping.

What are the benefits of EFT Tapping?

Proponents say that tapping helps you access your body’s energy and send signals to the part of the brain that regulates stress. They claim that stimulating meridian points through EFT tapping can reduce stress or the negative emotions you feel from your issues, ultimately restoring balance to your disrupted energy.  

Before tapping, you must focus on two main goals:

  • Acknowledging issues
  • Accepting yourself despite the problem

EFT tapping offers several advantages over traditional treatments. Compared to other methods, EFT tapping is convenient and less time-consuming.

A study published in 2020 found that people who practised EFT tapping experienced a significant reduction in cortisol (a stress hormone) compared to those who received information about ways to cope with anxiety. 

According to a recent clinical psychology study, in a four-day EFT workshop, participants experienced a significant reduction in anxiety (-40%), PTSD (-32%), depression (-35%), and pain (-57%). Furthermore, they stated that after their clinical EFT sessions, they also experienced an increased sense of happiness and calmness. In a large-scale study of 5000 patients in 11 clinics seeking treatment for anxiety, it was found that 90% of patients who received EFT tapping therapy showed improvement without any medication. Studies have also shown improvement in healthcare workers suffering from depression with the help of EFT tapping. 

EFT Tapping Sequence

EFT primarily focuses on the nine EFT tapping points listed below:

Begin by tapping the Karate Chop point while repeating your setup phrase three times. Then, moving down the body in this ascending order, tap each of the following points seven times:

  • Karate chop: small intestine meridian
  • Top of head: governing vessel
  • Eyebrow: bladder meridian
  • Side of the eye: gallbladder meridian
  • Under the eye: stomach meridian
  • Under the nose: governing vessel
  • Chin: central vessel
  • Beginning of the collarbone: kidney meridian
  • Under the arm: spleen meridian

EFT tapping is an alternative acupressure therapy treatment to restore balance to your disrupted energies. It has been an authorized treatment for war veterans suffering from PTSD and has demonstrated some benefits as a treatment for anxiety, depression, physical pain, and insomnia.

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Dr. Priyanka Peter

Dr. Priyanka Peter has a Master in Orthopaedic Physiotherapy and holds a six-year working experience at VLCC, Breach Candy hospital, and Hiranandani Hospital, Mumbai. Her passion for the profession has led her to complete certified courses in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, dry needling, and chiropractic and osteopathy. When she is not working she is practicing gardening, painting, photography, travelling, and exploring different cultures.