300 Calorie Workout_Activ Living Community

Why Burning 300 Calories Per Day Is Good For Your Heart? Explained By Shalini Bhargava

If you want to be fitter and healthier, you might wonder, “How many calories should I burn a day?”. Calorie-burning exercises are often suitable for obese or overweight people and can benefit your heart health. A 300-calorie exercise can help anyone get in better shape. Read this blog to learn more about how to avoid heart conditions by waving off 300 calories daily.

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3 Benefits of a 300-calorie workout

Benefits of Burning 300 calories a day

Even the slightest changes in daily calorie consumption can significantly change your cardiovascular health. Cutting down calories can also help you decrease your blood sugar level. Here are 3 health benefits of cutting down 300 calories every day:

1 Boost cardiovascular health

Cutting down on calories can enhance your cardiovascular system and the healthy cholesterol level in your body. In addition, a 300-calorie workout can also help reduce the risk of heart disease by changing the metabolism rate.

Cardio exercises like walking, jogging, or skipping can reduce blood pressure. They also control your blood sugar levels and, in turn, improve your heart health.

2 Manage your weight

Burning 300 calories daily can help you lose half kg of weight every 2 weeks. However, following a weight loss diet is also recommended after exercising. If you’re still confused about how many calories you should burn in a workout, try waving off 300 calories every day, and you can control your body weight.

3 Enhanced physical strength

Burning off 300 calories every day will reduce the amount of body fat in your body and increase muscle mass. While exercising and building muscle mass can help develop physical strength, it also reduces body fat, decreasing the chances of suffering from common heart diseases and diabetes.

Benefits of burning calories for heart health

Burning calories can immensely benefit your heart health. 

  • Burning calories regularly will keep your pre-existing health conditions in check and reduce the risk of their severity. 
  • Exercising can improve the blood flow to the brain, reducing the risk of strokes. 
  • Burning calories can make your blood vessels healthier, lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.   
  • Regular exercise can help improve your body’s ability to use insulin, which can help reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Types of exercises to burn 300 calories a day?

You can easily complete a 300-calorie workout in an hour. You can wave off calories by doing exercises, swimming, spending time in the gym, etc. Another convenient way of burning 300 calories is walking at least 10000 steps. Here are a few exercises you can start with if you want to know how many calories you should burn in a workout सेशन:

  • कूदने
  • तैराकी
  • Dance workouts
  • HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
  • Vinyasa yoga stretches
  • Deep cleaning your house

How many calories should I burn a day?

As a general thumb rule, we need to burn 3500 calories to lose half a kg of body fat. Calories are always burnt, even while resting, as body functions such as breathing and blood circulation also require calories. Typically, more active people burn more calories than people who lead quiet, sedentary lives. So if you are contemplating, “How many calories should I burn a day?”, the answer lies in your daily fitness goals and habits.

Superfoods for your heart

Superfoods For Heart Health

If you want a healthy heart, eating healthy food is compulsory. Superfoods for your heart can be included in your daily meals to keep your heart strong. Foods containing unsaturated fats and fibers can make your heart strong. While Omega 3 (unsaturated fats) removes plaque and unwanted fat from our body, fibers remove cholesterol particles from our bodies. As a result, these foods help decrease the overall cholesterol and risk of diseases. In addition, there are several superfoods that you can consume for an excellent cardiovascular condition. 

  • Veggies such as broccoli, spinach, cabbage, etc. 
  • Fruits like grapes, bananas, and apples. 
  • Whole grains like brown rice, tortillas, and plain oatmeal. 
  • Protein-rich food such as eggs, lean meat, and fish (trout and tuna) are high in Omega 3 fatty acids.

While exercise and good food can boost your cardiovascular health, you must take care of your overall health for a healthy heart in the long run. Consider maintaining a balanced diet and exercising daily to start living with a healthy heart.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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Shalini Bhargava

Shalini Bhargava has 21 years of experience as a fitness expert and personal trainer. She is a certified expert in pilates, kickboxing, aerobics, zumba and yoga. She is also a fitness entrepreneur as the director of JG’s Fitness Centre in Mumbai.