Healthy Navratri Vrat foods_1_activ living

5 टिप्स के बारे में फिर से जानें और अपने नवरात्रि व्रत को स्वस्थ बनाएं

The nine days of Navratri have begun. During this time, many people observe a fast. This includes a drastic change to the diet. When not done right, then this 9-day fast can do more damage to your body than you might expect. Read on to find out some common mistakes people make while following the Navratri Vrat and 5 tips to help you stay healthy during Navratri 2021.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Common myths about the Navratri Vrat

The idea of fasting during Navratri is to remove the toxins from your body. That’s why it is important that you eat healthy during this time. Here are two mistakes you should avoid while fasting:

  • Eating fried foods – Many people assume that eating fried foods or sugary foods gives you energy during the day. However, this will only make you have more hunger cravings during the day, which removes any health benefits of your fast.

Fried food for Navratri Vrat_activ living

  • Increasing your portion size – If you are having only one complete meal during the fasting period, then do not increase the quantity of food you eat in one meal. Instead, try to include some healthy snacks at regular intervals.

5 tips to have a Healthy Navratri Vrat

Now that you know what common mistakes to avoid while fasting, you can focus on tips that will help you fast the right way this Navratri.

1. पानी की कमी न होने दें

Keep drinking fluids at regular intervals. This can include fruit juices, smoothies, and of course water. This is important not just because you are fasting but also because the heat during October can be quite harsh.

2 Eat light

Once you cut down on fried foods, you can start looking for recipes that are lighter options with the same ingredients. For example, instead of making puris with kuttu ka atta, you can try making कुट्टू डोसा. Remember, light foods are usually foods that have less salt and oil.

3 Avoid starchy foods

Starchy products to avoid during Navratri Vrat_activ living

While fasting, starchy foods like potatoes and sabudana are good within a limit. However, they shouldn’t be your staple diet since this can also be a source of excess sugar. Instead, you can try replacing potatoes with other vegetables like pumpkin or bottle gourd (lauki)

4 Include more fibre in your diet

Fruits are a rich source of fibre and can be a healthy snack you can eat during the day. In fact, you should consider eating fruits more than drinking fruit juices because they are richer sources. Of fire. This can help stabilise your blood sugar level during the day without feeling hungry too often.

5 Take adequate rest

Ensure that you get at least 8 hours of sleep daily. Allow your body time to detox while you are fasting. Otherwise, you might get headaches and feel a lack of energy.

Remember fasting might not be a healthy option for everyone. Here’s a list of health conditions that might need you to avoid fasting. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.

