Best Yoga practices_activ living

Take A Look At The Benefits Of Yoga And How To Practice It Effectively

योग is a practice for the soul, working through the medium of your body. योग not only helps in keeping the body healthy through various postures and asanas, but it relaxes and disciplines your mind.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What are the benefits of yoga?

Benefits of yoga workouts_activ living

Daily exercise or yoga can do wonders for you. Yoga practice is convenient because all you need is a mat and a calm mind. There is a reason why an ancient practice such as yoga has been effectively carried forward. Let’s take a look at its multiple benefits:

  • In the daily hustle-bustle of life, stress, anxiety, and depression have become extremely common. Yoga reduces the secretion of cortisol, the stress hormone, and provides relaxation.
  • Stress is considered to be one of the major contributors to heart diseases. Therefore, practising yoga lowers blood pressure, further reducing the risk of strokes.
  • Yoga is often considered a natural therapy that significantly improves the quality of your life.
  • Yoga can also resolve chronic pain, injuries, and arthritis, further providing flexibility and balance.

Common mistakes you should avoid before or after yoga:

To master an asana, you need to have the perfect posture. An imperfect posture can only be harmful to your body. Here are a few tips and tricks you can follow to avoid common mistakes in your yoga practice.

  • Asanas are practised on an empty stomach. So, do not perform yoga right after meals.
  • Do not wear tight clothes in your yoga practice as it can restrict the movement of the ribcage and lungs. Light, loose, and comfortable clothes help in free body movements.
  • Warm-up and stretch at the beginning to prevent injuries.
  • Breathe normally. Do not hold your breath unless the asana. Always breathe through your nostrils unless instructed otherwise.
  • Overexertion can be your enemy. Perform each yoga posture depending on your capacity. Practice regularly and persistently to see your progress.
  • It is better not to shower, eat or drink water for at least 30 minutes after your yoga
  • Refrain from performing yoga in illness, under stress, or after injuries and operations.

Common mistakes in 3 basic yoga postures that you are doing wrong:

Amidst all the yoga postures that you perform, perfection is a key element. Ensure that your posture is proper or else, it can prove harmful to your body.

Downward Dog:

Instead of placing your hands too close or too far away from your feet, start from the plank position with your hands under your shoulder. Press your hips back to the downward dog posture. Keep your ears away from your shoulders and chin off your chest.

Low Lunge:

Low lunge yoga exercise_activ living

Instead of placing your front knee far forward over your ankle, stack it directly over your ankle at a 90-degree angle. Keep your back straight and maximise the distance between your ears and shoulders.

Dolphin Plank:

Plank yoga exercise_activ living

Engage your quads to support your hips from dropping. Ensure that the body is in one line from head to heel.

Practice yoga to lead a healthy life! To get more fitness or nutrition-related information for a better standard of living, visit the Activ Living Page.

