Yoga Poses

5 Yoga Poses That You Can Use As Strength Training

Yoga is a healthy workout for different aspects of your physical and mental health. However, one common misconception about yoga is that it cannot be a part of strength training. While it might not be as effective as lifting weights, yoga can make your muscles stronger.

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What is strength training?

Strength exercises include any movement that can help you build muscle. Most strength training exercises include weights or resistance bands. This is why weight lifting is the preferred exercise to strengthen muscles. However, there can be simpler ways to increase muscle mass too. That’s where yoga can help you.

How do yoga exercises for strength help you?

Yoga is a highly effective exercise to improve flexibility and balance, but it isn’t often used specifically for strength training. Some forms of yoga, such as Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, and Power Yoga can be used as strengthening exercises.

You can also consider adding resistance bands or small weights to your yoga workout to exercise your muscles.

5 yoga poses that are strengthening exercises

Here are a few yoga poses that also act as exercises to strengthen your core and your muscles:

Phalakasana (High Plank)

Planks are a strengthening exercise for muscles in the abdomen, upper body, and arms.

  • Lie down with your palms on the ground.
  • Breathe in and push your body upwards with your palms and toes on the ground.
  • Keep your palms in line with your shoulder and maintain a straight line from head to toe.
  • Hold this pose for 10 seconds and repeat.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Elbow Plank)

This exercise is a good follow-up exercise to the high plank. It also exercises your shoulders along with the abdomen, upper body, and arms.

  • From the plank pose, lower your body
  • Rest your elbows on the ground with your knees in the air.
  • Ensure you maintain a straight flat line from your head to toe

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

This exercise is a variation of a squat and can strengthen your leg and arm muscles.

  • Stand upright and bend your knees into a squat.
  • Lift your arms upwards and keep them firm.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the standing position.

Virabhadrasana 3 (Warrior Pose 3)

yoga warrior pose 3_activ living

This exercise is one of the steps in warrior pose yoga. This pose helps you strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.

  • From a standing position, lift one of your legs backward and bend your upper body forward.
  • Try and lift your leg to hip level and place your hands on your hips.
  • Hold this position for 8 breaths before returning to the standing position.

Navasana (Boat Pose)

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This is another strengthening exercise for your hip and abdominal muscles.

  • Sit on a mat with your knees bent.
  • Float your feet up in the air while keeping your knees bent
  • Stretch your arms straight in front of you.
  • Hold this pose for 8 breaths.

Apart from strengthening your muscles, yoga can also help make your mind stronger through Super Brain Yoga. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.

