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Ways To Quit Sugar In 7 Days

Yes, you heard it right. You can quit sugar in 7 days. Welcome to the #ZeroSugarProject – where there is a will, there is a way! We have become too used to processed foods to realize the excess sugar we consume. But don’t confuse this with the sugar present in fruits. Processed foods contain refined sugar, which can spike your glucose levels. 

Let’s focus on how to quit sugar. The answer is simple – boost your energy and focus and have an undisturbed sleep cycle. Read on to learn how to quit sugar cravings.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Is cutting sugar good or bad for health?

It’s quite evident that consuming sugar in excess can be harmful to your overall health. Most people consume a lot of added sugar in the form of chocolates, cakes, soda, candies and sugary cereals. Excessive consumption of sugar can increase the risk of certain chronic diseases like type-2 diabetes and heart disease. So, how to quit sugar and be free from its ill effects?

You can also find natural sugar in certain veggies, fruits and dairy products. But you can consume those, as they don’t have any negative effects on your health. 

Reducing your total sugar intake can boost your overall health, help you manage weight and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. In addition, cutting off sugar can also help lower your LDL (bad cholesterol levels). A sugar-free diet also decreases the average fat intake, leading to a low risk of heart disease. So, if you wondered, “Does quitting sugar lower blood pressure?” now you know.  

Symptoms of cutting sugar from the diet

Here are some of the symptoms that you can experience while you initially start to cut sugar from your diet. 

  • थकान
  • मांसपेशियों में दर्द
  • Craving for sweets or high-calorie foods
  • चिंता 
  • मूड में बदलाव 
  • सूजन 

However, the symptoms are normally temporary, and they should go away after your body adjusts to your new diet pattern. If they still persist, consider checking in with your doctor. Now that we’ve covered the symptoms, let’s get into how to quit sugar

What can you eat when you quit sugar?

Here are some of the food items that can you can consider eating after you quit sugar initially

  • सब्जियों: Broccoli, spinach, carrot and sweet potatoes
  • फल: Apples, berries, grapes and cherries 
  • प्रोटीन: Chicken, fish, beef and eggs 
  • Healthy fat sources: Egg yolk, avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. 
  • Unsweetened beverages: Water, sparkling water and tea. 

These food items can help keep sugar urges at bay and help manage anxiety and depression. A sugar-free diet can also benefit your skin health.

Tips for quitting sugar

Here are some of the tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine if you want to start practising a sugar-free diet:

  1. Plan, write it down, and prepare

Reading food labels_Activ Living community

Clean out your kitchen and refrigerator. Get rid of any food (chocolates, ice cream, or cold drinks) that can tempt you into consuming sugar. Plan your next week’s meals in advance. Are you going out for a meal? Are you ordering in? Or are you cooking your own meal? Start checking out zero-sugar recipes online, and believe us, they are tasty!

Your next trip to the grocery store is going to be a challenging one, but it’s a good start to leading a healthy lifestyle. Start reading the labels of every product and check the sugar, saturated fats, and trans fats content. There can be added sugar in the most unexpected processed food items. Choose the right items. 

  1. Stay focused 

Research has shown that sugar addiction is closely linked to addiction to substances. You will show withdrawal symptoms like headache, stomach pain and irritability. Don’t give up! The first few days are the toughest, but it gets easier gradually. 

  1. Get to know yourself

Eating-bitter-foods_activ living community

Find your defense against these cravings. Read a book, cook something, dance, exercise, or even sleep a little more. Do anything and everything that will take your mind away from your cravings.

Pro tip: Start eating bitter food items to reset your taste buds and reward the center of the brain.

  1. पानी की कमी न होने दें

Drinking lots of water will solve half your cravings. Water will help balance your blood sugar, keep your system running effectively, and minimize the impact of any withdrawal symptoms.

  1. Time to start eating protein and fiber-rich food

Make proteins your priority, and stock up on fiber-rich foods. Protein-rich foods will reduce your cravings and give you the essential energy boost you require. Research food items you like and check if they have enough protein/fiber content in them. Some healthy low-sugar snack ideas include nuts and seeds, fresh fruits, hard-boiled eggs, or no-sugar-added jerky.

  1. Give yourself room to breathe 

Don’t try to replace your day-to-day food items with zero-sugar alternatives. Don’t fight your body. It is a long game and not a one-time solution. Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. Don’t put yourself in situations where stress will increase your cravings for sugar. Be alert about such things. Exercise to help yourself fight these withdrawal symptoms. 

  1. Mind over actions 

It’s easy for you to plan and get all the items you require. But if your mind is not ready for it, then it can be challenging to pull off this #ZeroSugarProject. Mind trumps everything else. Practise meditation or yoga to stay focused and determined. 

These are some of the tips and tricks that can help you quit sugar in 7 Days. We hope you have got the answer to “How to quit sugar?” You should start seeing results that will motivate you to continue this #ZeroSugarProject.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषणफिटनेससचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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Harsh Kedia

Harsh Kedia is an entrepreneur, teacher, motivational speaker, and author. ‘A Diabetic Chef’ has always been at the heart of what he does after finding out he had diabetes at the age of 15 All of his long hours in the kitchen, his passions, and dreams alike, have been channeled into creating a brand that genuinely cares about its consumers. His lifelong aim is to reimagine and recreate foods that cater to the diabetic and the health-conscious community.