Winter Workout tips and exercises_activ living

Winter Makes Exercising Difficult? These Tips Can Help You

The winter chill has definitely set in. The cool winter mornings are great if you want to stay cosy under a blanket. However, if you have a morning workout routine it can become difficult. Here’s how you can continue to workout and stay healthy in the winter.

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Tips for exercise in winter

Following your regular workout routine during the winter season can be a challenge. However, you can adapt your workout routine to suit this chilly weather by following these winter health tips:

  1. Wear more layers

This is the weather to bring out your winter wear. Wear your hoodies and jackets especially if you are exercising outdoors. This can help your body warm up naturally and it keeps your body warm throughout the work out too. You can also wear gloves and earmuffs if it doesn’t interfere with your workout.

Winter workout tips_activ living

  1. Remember to stay hydrated

In the winter you might sweat less which means you will drink lesser water. However, you need to continue drinking the same amount of water as you would on a normal summer day. Getting dehydrated could lead to nausea, headache, fatigue.

  1. Focus your diet

Even if you follow your workout routine, the winter season might be unhealthy for you. Our common winter foods tend to be made with sugar, salt, and processed fats to deal with the cool weather. It is important to ensure that you choose healthy winter foods and pay attention to how much you eat.

  1. Learn more about your health

You might have existing health conditions like asthma and diabetes. In the winter season, it might be important to learn about any health conditions you have and how you need to adapt to a change in the weather. For example, people exercising with asthma in the winter will need to check the air quality before exercising outdoors.

  1. Plan your workout

Sometimes the weather might be too cold to exercise outdoors or the air quality might not be good. Plan your day so that you can switch your indoor and outdoor workout instead of avoiding exercise completely.

Winter exercises to improve your workout

Warming up for your workout can be difficult during the winters. Here are some workout tips to improve your fitness routine.

  • Morning walk

A walk or jog is a good cardio exercise by itself. This can warm your body and get the heart rate pumping. A good 15-minute walk can also be an effective warm-up but you should take precautions like checking the air quality and wearing a jacket if it is cold.

  • Stretching exercises

The cold weather can lead to muscle injuries and cramps. That’s why it is important to spend a few minutes doing stretching exercises, before and after your workout.

Surya namaskar stretching exercise_activ living

  • Surya namaskars

Surya Namaskar is a good stretching exercise for every part of the body. Practicing this routine in the morning can be a boost Vitamin D production in the body. You can also practice a quick yoga stretching workout.

Here’s a winter checklist to help you understand what health aspects you should focus on. For more fitness or nutrition related advice, visit Activ Living.

