tabataa_activ living community

इंटेंस फिटनेस के लिए इस 20-10 टैबाटा रूटीन को आजमाएं

January is the month of making resolutions and forming healthy habits. Often these health resolutions are abandoned within a week or two. With #NoQuittingWithActivLiving, a specially curated 14-day health program consisting of healthy habits along with tips to help you follow them regularly.

Welcome to Day 4 of #NoQuittingWithActivLiving! Fitness Coach Meenal Pathak is back with a fun Tabata routine to take your fitness to the next level. You will no doubt feel stronger and so much more energetic once you’ve done a few reps of this workout.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is tabata training?

Tabata is a fast-paced exercise routine that is backed by music. Each exercise in the circuit is carried out for 20 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest period. It’s okay to start slow and go according to your own pace, but what’s more important Is that you maintain the right form and don’t quit!

The history of tabata

Named after Dr Izumi Tabata, a Japanese speed skating coach, the Tabata workout is among the many effective high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. The Japanese Speed Skating Team used it for years as a protocol to understand the efficacy of the team’s training. Dr Tabata wanted to analyze the anaerobic and aerobic benefits between people who exercised at moderate intensity and those who exercised at high-intensity bursts. He eventually concluded that intermittent high-intensity exercises work better for both aerobic and anaerobic systems than at moderate intensity.   

Tabata workouts usually consist of quick movements, alternating between short bursts of high activity and short rest periods. It is known to enhance cardiovascular fitness and improve muscle strength. 

Mistakes that people make when doing tabata

Although the Tabata workout is supposed to be high-intensity, taking minimal rest between intervals might invite injuries. Instead, you can try resting for a while before continuing the workout. Speeding up the reps without using the proper form can also cause injuries. The movements are quite fast-paced so it helps to begin the workout with a warm-up exercise and end it with a post-workout stretch. Owing to exhaustion, resting between sets can work wonders in minimizing injuries.  

Remember to switch between different workout plans every now and then to target different muscles and stay away from injuries. Another important thing to keep in mind is getting your heart rate high enough for better results. You should also involve compound moves in your Tabata workout instead of opting for isolation exercises.                 

List of tabata exercises

Leg raises

Ensure when you raise your legs, you keep your knees straight and stay at a 90-degree angle with your body. Then slowly lower your legs till they almost touch the floor.

Russian twist

When you pull your legs up ensure that they are parallel to the floor and balance your upper body on your tailbone.

Reverse crunches

This exercise engages your core muscles while you lift your knees towards the chest. Make sure to lift your tailbone off the floor before returning to the original position.

Table top toe taps

During this exercise, keep your arms in line with your shoulders even when raising your back off the floor and bring your upper body forward. Bring your legs in a tabletop position at a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower your heels one by one to tap the mat.


Lie down on your back and keep your hands alongside your hips. Lift your legs about 6 inches off the floor, engage your core, and crisscross one over the other in a scissors-like motion without dropping your legs. 

Table top reach outs

In this exercise, let your body take a shape of a table by raising yourself off the floor with your hands and legs as you face upwards.

In and out

Balancing on your tailbone with palms flat on the floor on either side of your body, lift your upper body up and forward as you pull your legs in by engaging your core.

Hip dips

Rise up in a plain plank position and then move your hips from one side of your body to the other while dipping down slightly as you get to each side before resting on your tummy.

Side plank

Lie on your right side and lift your upper body up on your right elbow while keeping your right foot on the floor and the left foot over it. Raise your left arm up towards the ceiling. Perform the same exercise on the other side.


Stand upright and then squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Now place your palms on the floor and jump while elongating your feet as much as possible. Jump back to where your palms are placed and then jump up to the starting position. Once you’re standing erect, squat immediately and continue the next rep.        

Lateral bounds 

Begin by standing on one leg in a half-squat position. Now jump laterally in the direction of your outward-facing leg. Stretch as much as possible before landing on your feet and immediately move to the opposite side. 

Mountain climbers 

Get into a plank position. Place your palms on the floor as if in a sprinting position. Bring one foot close to your chest and then back out again. Repeat the movement while swapping foot positions.


Stand straight. Bend down to touch the floor. Place your palms on the mat to get into a plank position. Jump and let your feet land next to your hands while lifting your torso up. Remember to make your palms face forward. Now get yourself back in plank and engage your core.      

This completes the Tabata circuit. Take a break and see if you can do it one or two more times. Hope you enjoy this fitness session. For more such daily healthy habits check out our #NoQuittingWithActivLiving section यहां.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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मीनल पाठक

मीनल पाठक एक प्रसिद्ध सेलिब्रिटी फिटनेस कोच और Mee स्टूडियो की फाउंडर हैं वह अपने काम के लिए ज़ी टीवी, न्यूज़एक्स, इंडिया न्यूज़, ज़ी बिज़नेस आदि जैसे विभिन्न नेशनल न्यूज़ चैनलों पर बनी रही हैं कोविड के दौरान, Mee स्टूडियो भारत भर में विभिन्न कॉर्पोरेट के लिए नियमित रूप से वर्चुअल सेशन आयोजित कर रहा है.