HIIT workout_activ living community

Try This 5– Minute Energetic HIIT Workout To Up Your Fitness Game

January is the month of making resolutions and forming healthy habits. Often these health resolutions are abandoned within a week or two. The #NoQuittingWithActivLiving is a specially curated 14-day health program with healthy habits and tips to help you follow them regularly.

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This HIIT workout video by our fitness expert Meenal Pathak is one healthy habit you would like to follow this year. A HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workout can help you burn more calories in a limited amount of time. This is especially helpful if you cannot devote a lot of time to exercise during the day.

What is a HIIT workout?

HIIT exercises consist of several heavy exercises mixed with low-intensity workouts in a short time. Practising these exercises can help you manage weight easily. In addition, incorporating this exercise can also help you boost your core strength and metabolism. The main advantage of HIIT exercises is that they get you all the benefits of low-intensity aerobic workouts in a very short time. 

Why should you do HIIT exercises?

HIIT can help you reap the maximum benefits in the least amount of time. Practising it will boost your heart rate to 80% of your maximum heart rate. In addition, HIIT workout don’t need a lot of space, making it ideal exercise at home.     

Benefits of HIIT workout

Here are some of the benefits of performing HIIT exercises daily: 

  • Performing HIIT exercises can help you lose lots of calories easily. 
  • HIIT cardio workout enhances your metabolic rate for hours after your session. It also shifts your body’s metabolism from absorbing carbohydrates to using fat for energy.  
  • HIIT exercises can enhance your muscle mass when done the right way with the proper weights.
  • HIIT workout can also help you maximize your oxygen consumption, resulting in a more active physical body.     
  • Studies show that practising HIIT exercises can help you counter the effects of type-2 diabetes. In addition, a HIIT cardio workout can also help you lower your blood sugar levels.
  • Research shows that HIIT can lower heart rate and blood pressure if you are suffering from obesity.

Types of energetic HIIT workout

Here are some of the HIIT exercises and how to follow them during this workout. Try to complete 3 sets of 15-20 reps for each of these exercises. However, if you are a beginner, you can pace yourself and enhance your stamina over time.

  • जंपिंग जैक

Practising jumping jacks or side-straddle hops can improve bone density and boost metabolism. Lift your arms to the side to make it an effective full-body exercise. In addition, you can practise this without any training equipment.

  • Kick through

Kick-through or bear planks feature pivoting on a single foot and kicking another foot on its side. Lift your right palm and kick out with your left foot. Repeat the same with your left palm and right leg. Rest on your heels to balance your body during this core workout. In addition, they involve your entire body, resulting in enhanced strength, mobility and balance.

  • Shoulder taps

Shoulder taps are also considered a similar variant of the plank, but in reality, they’re a challenging abs-and-arm workout in their own right. Practising this HIIT workout exercise can enhance the deep core muscles that wrap around your midsection. Incorporating this exercise into your daily life can help your body become more stable.   

Start by resting in the plank position before lifting your right palm and lightly tapping your left shoulder. Keep your core and lower body tight without moving too much.

  • Inchworm

The inchworm exercise from the HIIT workout catalog features a little bit of everything. It aids in strengthening your muscles and stretches them. It targets your entire body and enhances blood circulation. As a result, inchworm is excellent for starting a HIIT session. It works on the core, arms, upper back, and chest. Stand on your mat, bend down, and walk your hands away from your feet until you enter the plank position. Walk your hands back to your feet and return to the starting position.

  • बर्पी

Burpees are one of the most intense exercises in the HIIT workout. It’s okay to take it slow but try and complete as many of the recommended reps as possible. It’s a two-part exercise involving a push-up and a jump in the air. While performing several burpees can be very challenging, it can also aid you in increasing your strength and endurance.

Doing several burpees in a row can be tiring, but this versatile exercise may be worth the payoff, especially if you’re looking for a way to build strength and endurance while burning calories and boosting your cardio fitness.

  • Plank jack

Plank exercise_activ living communityThis exercise is a mix of cardio and core-enhancing exercises. They can also aid you in strengthening your upper and lower body muscles. Keep your upper body tight in the plank position while moving your legs wide and straight. Practise this to manage your weight and stay healthy.

  • High knees

High knees are one of the most excruciating cardiovascular exercises. It can help you enhance your lower body strength. Start with locking your fingers and keep them at chest level. Try to touch your palm with your knee.

  • Chops

This HIIT exercise is a variation of squats that includes an innovative upper-body workout.

  • Butt kicks

Butt kicks are powerful exercises that enhance your cardiovascular system and increase muscle strength. This HIIT workout exercise is considered an important running drill exercise for athletes. You can lift one leg at a time and avoid jumping if you are too tired by the end of this workout.

Stay on track with your health goals. Consider practising HIIT workout to reap health benefits in minimal time. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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