Omicron variant or cold_activ living

कोविड-19 या फ्लू: मेरे पास क्या होना चाहिए?

The Covid-19 pandemic has now become our ‘new normal.’ With a new variant of coronavirus cropping up every now and then, it is essential for us to mask up, stay indoors, maintain social distancing, and get vaccinated to stay safe.

इनके बारे में जानें:

  • Symptoms of Omicron variant
  • Similarities between Covid-19 and the flu
  • Differences between Covid-19 and the flu

लक्षण जानें यहां बताया गया है कि ओमिक्रोन वैरिएंट के लिए सावधानी बरतते हुए आप अपने मानसिक स्वास्थ्य को कैसे बनाए रख सकते हैं:


As we grapple with the emergence of yet another variant, the symptoms of the Omicron variant have a stark difference from Covid-19’s alpha and delta variations. The World Health Organisation has stated that the Omicron variant is a cause of concern owing to its high transmission rate.

The common Omicron symptoms include:

  • खांसी
  • सर्दी
  • Fever (Although the Omicron variant appears mild, patients may report high fever in the first few days)
  • गले में खराश
  • सिरदर्द
  • Tiredness
  • Severe Body Pain
  • कंजेशन या रुकावट
  • नाक बहना
  • मितली
  • दस्त

Since flu, the common cold, seasonal allergies, and Covid-19 have the same symptoms, it often becomes difficult to differentiate. While they are contagious respiratory diseases, they are caused by different viruses.

Similarities between कोविड-19 and the flu:

  • Both Covid-19 and the flu are transmitted from person to person contact, typically through the mouth and nose through coughing and sneezing.
  • At times, people with flu and SARS-CoV-2 can pass the virus on before they show any symptoms.
  • People can also get infected with Covid-19 or influenza by touching contaminated surfaces and then touching their eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
  • While anyone can get infected with either of the viruses, aged people and those with comorbidities, people with chronic medical conditions, and pregnant women are at a higher risk.
  • The same protective measures are applicable for both coronavirus and influenza – frequently washing hands, avoiding touching your face, avoiding crowds, etc.

Differences between कोविड-19 and the flu:

Here is how you can tell the difference between whether you have contracted Covid-19 or the common flu:

  • Covid-19 is caused by an infection from the novel strain of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), whereas flu is caused by an infection from the influenza
  • The incubation period of Covid-19 is 2-15 days, whereas, for a cold and the flu, it is 1-3 days and 1-4 days, respectively.
  • While the two viruses spread in a somewhat similar manner, Covid-19 is more contagious.
  • Coronavirus can cause severe illness, hospitalisation, and even death.
  • Symptoms specific to Covid-19 also include a loss of taste and smell.
  • A common Covid-19 symptom is diarrhoea and nausea or vomiting. However, it is not certain that you will have these symptoms if you have a common cold.
  • Covid-19 can also lead to more complications than the flu, such as blood clots and multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children.

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Testing, however, is the best way to determine what you have, as the symptoms of these illnesses overlap. There can also be times when you contract both Covid-19 and flu together. This co-infection can worsen your symptoms altogether.

As people are getting fully vaccinated against Covid-19, the spread of the infection is contained. Symptoms vary from person to person depending upon their immunity and vaccination status. Take a look at the list of Covid-19 vaccines in India, available for adults above the age of 18.

Get more information on Covid-19 on our Activ Living Page. You can also find fitness and nutrition-related information here.

Dr. Ajinkya Kamble

Dr. Ajinkya Kamble has completed his MBBS with a total of 4 Years of experience in the Clinical as well as in the Non-clinical field. He is a Certified Professional Medical Coder and has worked in multiple medical coding verticals. In his leisure time, he loves travelling to offbeat locations and spending time with his family.