अपने लिवर को स्वस्थ कैसे रखें? 5 टिप्स का पालन करें?

The liver is important in removing toxins from your body and metabolizing your food. It also adjusts cholesterol levels and makes bile that absorbs fat and stores sugar in the body. So, how to keep your liver healthy? Understand the best foods to keep the risks of an unhealthy liver at bay.

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Symptoms of an unhealthy liver

The liver works discreetly but plays a significant role in our well-being. However, the risks of an unhealthy liver increase with negative daily habits. It’s vital to pay attention to the symptoms of an unhealthy liver:

  • Abdominal discomfort:

Experiencing pain, cramping, or a feeling of fullness in the right side of your abdomen? An unhealthy liver can cause such discomfort as it enlarges or becomes inflamed.

  • Digestive issues:

Your liver plays a vital role in digestion, so when it’s not functioning well, digestive problems may arise. Symptoms can include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite.

  • Changes in urine and stool:

Keep an eye on your urine and stool—unhealthy liver may lead to changes in their color. Dark urine and pale stools can indicate an issue with liver function.

What are the risks of an unhealthy liver?

It’s important to take these steps to protect your liver before you face a liver disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is caused by scarring of liver cells. This is not only caused by alcohol consumption but also by non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in obese people. Here are some of the people at risk for liver diseases

  • गर्भवती महिलाएं
  • HIV patients
  • People on hemodialysis
  • Abnormal liver tests

People above the age of 18 can face liver diseases. It is important to take liver tests at an early age and at regular intervals, especially if there’s a family history of liver disease. A liver test can help you identify a Hepatitis C infection, which often goes undetected until it is too late.

अपने लिवर को स्वस्थ कैसे रखें?

Everyone knows taking care of the liver is crucial as an unhealthy liver has several health risks. Unhealthy habits in your daily life can negatively affect your health. If you are wondering how to keep your liver healthy, try to adopt these healthy lifestyle tips for a healthy liver:

  • Avoid alcohol intake

Alcohol can damage and scar your liver, leading to liver cirrhosis. Refrain from alcohol consumption to lead a healthy life.

  • Stay protected from toxins

risks of an unhealthy liver_Activ Living Community

There are toxins present in household chemicals like cleaning products, aerosol spray cans and insecticides. You can damage your liver if you breathe, absorb or touch any of these chemicals. Wear gloves and a mask while using these products to avoid direct contact.

  • Prevent a Hepatitis infection

Hepatitis A, B and C infection can cause liver diseases. In some cases, hepatitis C infection can also lead to liver cancer. Many children today are vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B. If you haven’t received the vaccine, consult your doctor. Wash your hands before and after consuming food to avoid infections.

Liver cirrhosis_activ living Community

  • Maintain a healthy bodyweight

Regular exercise can burn liver fat and avoid fatty liver disease. You can use a BMR calculator to find out your healthy weight target. Follow a healthy diet to maintain this weight goal.

  • Eat liver healthy food

Eating foods good for the liver can help keep the organ healthy. Some liver-healthy foods include:

  1. चकोतरा
  2. ऑलिव ऑयल
  3. Milk and Low-Fat Dairy Products
  4. Sunflower Seeds
  5. ओटमील
  6. कॉफी
  7. ग्रीन टी
  8. अंगूर
  9. Blueberries
  10. Cranberries
  11. Avocado

how to keep your liver healthy_Activ Living Community

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