Yoga in summer_Activ Living Community

Best Summer Yoga Poses With Manisha Kohli

भीषण गर्मी का मौसम जारी है और पूरे दिन उच्च तापमान के साथ, एक सेहतमंद लाइफस्टाइल बनाए रखना अब और भी ज़्यादा ज़रूरी हो गया है. अपने #HealthySummerWithActivLiving कैम्पेन के साथ, हमारा अनुरोध है कि आप गर्मी के इस मौसम में लाइफस्टाइल की बीमारियों से बचने के लिए अपने मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को सबसे ज़्यादा प्राथमिकता दें.

Take a cue from holistic well-being expert Manisha Kohli and remain cool and relaxed this समर by practicing 3 योग asanas to beat the गर्मी. She also goes on to display प्राणायाम or effective breathing techniques and meditation.

इन योगासन will calm your body down, settle your nervous system down, switch off your parasympathetic nervous system, and will help in releasing endorphins to replenish your mood. These योगा पोज / योगासन are simple, safe, and effective. People from all age groups can perform these asanas.


Janusirsasana – The side bend योग पोस्चर can be performed on both sides. Sit on your योग mat and take your right leg out while keeping your other leg close to the pelvis. Inhale as you bring your hand up and exhale while reaching your big toe. If you cannot reach your toe, you can place your hand on your calf, knee, or thigh. Bring your other hand to the toe and bend down as you try to touch your head to your knee. Stay in the position for 30 to 60 seconds. Inhale and come back from that posture. Repeat the same on the other side.

Padhastasana – इस योग पोस्चर helps in releasing body गर्मी and unties the knots that you may feel in your back. Stand with your feet slightly apart, raise both your hands, and inhale. As you exhale, elongate your spine and start dropping down. Touch your feet, the floor, or the mat, and straighten your legs. If you cannot straighten your knees, then keep them bent. Next, drop your head down which is the heaviest part of the body and keep it relaxed. Let gravity elongate the spine to loosen all the muscles you contract while sitting. If you want to test the limits of your फ्लेक्सिबिलिटी, then you can also hold your ankles from behind and go deeper into the stretch. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds. Roll up with your hands raised over your head and exhale.

अर्ध मत्स्येन्द्रासन – Keep one leg close to your body, and the other leg bent in front. Sit straight, keep your knee in line with the ankle, and keep one hand back for support. Stretch your other hand, keep your spine straight and inhale. Take your raised hand across, stack it near the opposite knee, and twist. Make sure that you use your stomach muscles to turn. This योग मुद्रा helps lower your body temperature and improves your पाचन system. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds for an enhanced body posture. Breathe normally.


Chandra Bhedi Pranayam – This left nostril सांस लेना technique lowers your heart rate and can be performed anytime during the day. Keep two fingers in the center of your forehead, close your right nostril and breathe in and out only through your left nostril which is your Chandra Nadi. Continue for 5 to 10 rounds. 

मेडिटेशन: मेडिटेशन is essential for your मेंटल wellness. Close your eyes to practice visualization. Breathe in through your nostrils and exhale through your mouth. You can visualize anything that infuses a sense of calmness in you and continue for a minute. 

If you feel uneasy while performing any योगा पोज / योगासन, then stop immediately. Do not strain your muscles. Practice these योगासन for a longer period to see the difference.

इस भीषण समर गर्मी से बचने के नए तरीके सीखने के लिए देखें ये #HealthySummerWithActivLiving कैम्पेन.

अधिक जानकारी प्राप्त करें, लाइफस्टाइल और फिटनेस के बारे में, एक्टिव लिविंग कम्युनिटी का हिस्सा बनकर.

मनीषा कोहली

मनीषा कोहली एक वेलनेस कोच हैं और एक 500 RYT योगा एक्सपर्ट के रूप में रजिस्टर्ड हैं वे एनिमल फ्लो, एरियल योगा और सिल्वा मेडिटेशन के लिए एक प्रमाणित कोच हैं