World No Tobacco Day_Activ Living Community

Learn Lifestyle Changes For Smoking, This World No Tobacco Day


World No Tobacco Day is observed every year on the 31st of May to raise awareness about the hazards of smoking. The World Health Organization (WHO) also took a stance against smoking. Let’s dig deeper into the harmful effects of tobacco smoking in this blog.  

इनके बारे में जानें:

What harmful toxins does tobacco contain?

The harmful toxins of tobacco used in cigarettes contain nicotine, arsenic, ammonia, benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. In addition, the harmful toxins of tobacco include chemicals, cigarette butts, microplastics, and e-cigarette waste that poison the water, soil, and environment.

The negative impact of tobacco on individuals

Harmful-Effects-Of-Tobacco_activ living community

The harmful effects of tobacco include pollution of the ecosystem and lead to diseases in people. Active and passive smokers are inflicted with the adverse effects of smoking, which lead to cardiovascular complications and many types of cancer. In addition, pregnant women, children, and unborn fetuses are at a higher risk of contracting diseases upon inhaling second-hand smoke.

Other harmful effects of tobacco include increased chances of miscarriage, premature delivery or ectopic pregnancy, or stillbirth can loom large on constant exposure to second-hand smoke. It can also lead to frequent coughing and sneezing, asthma, middle ear infection, respiratory infection, or bacterial meningitis.

Avoid the use of tobacco – lifestyle changes to protect you and your environment

There is no safe exposure to any source of smoke, be it from cigarettes, hookah, cigars, pipes, shisha pipes, or smokeless tobacco products. Here’s a look at the lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the harmful effects of tobacco.

No-Smoking-Zone_activ living community

  • Habit changes: 

Quit smoking to clear your lungs and clear the air. Whenever the urge to smoke resurfaces, consider nicotine replacement therapies. You can also try nicotine patches or chew on lozenges and sugar-free gums to keep your mouth busy and keep the harmful effects of tobacco at bay.

  • पोषण: 

Smoking can damage the neuroreceptors in your mouth, dulling your sense of taste. Eat fruits and vegetables to consume fiber-rich foods. Popcorn, beans, milk, and cinnamon sticks are the best foods to keep the harmful effects of tobacco at a distance.

Say-No-To-Tobacco_activ living community

  • सचेतन: 

You can delay your first cigarette of the day, but you cannot delay climate change, which results from the emissions of greenhouse gases. Be self-motivated and willful to cut back on smoking. Try to lengthen the time between your cigarette breaks to reach a point where you eventually stop smoking.

Quitting smoking can help you take care of your mental health. It improves your mood and lowers stress or anxiety levels.

  • फिटनेस: 

Trade one smoking break a day for physical activity. When you feel like reaching for a cigarette, put on your sports shoes and exercise or go for a jog. As a result, exercising can help you quit smoking.

  • Avoid smoking triggers.

Quit-Smoking_activ living community

Ask people to put off their cigarettes in a car, even if the windows are rolled down. Putting a no-smoking sign can help reduce areas where people can smoke, thus, reducing the harmful effects of tobacco.

  • संतुलित आहार लें:

Maintain a healthy diet with a healthy dose of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. This will support your overall health, reduce cravings, and promote a sense of well-being.

  • पानी की कमी न होने दें:

Drink a lot of water to eliminate toxins from your body and reduce cravings. Staying hydrated can also help manage withdrawal symptoms.

  • Celebrate milestones: 

Acknowledge and celebrate your progress along the way. Reward yourself for achieving milestones and staying tobacco-free.

By adopting these lifestyle changes, you can protect your health and the environment from the harmful effects of tobacco use. Remember that quitting tobacco may be challenging, but with support and healthy habits. इस विश्व तंबाकू निषेध दिवस, सुरक्षित करें अपना स्वास्थ्य, ये स्वास्थ्य पृथ्वी का, और आनी वाली पीढ़ियों का.

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