Yogic Sleep_Activ Living Community

योग निद्रा से आपके मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य को कैसे लाभ होता है?

ABHI Yoga Nidra_Activ Living Community

International Yoga Day is celebrated each year on the 21st of June. This year marks the 8th edition of the International Day of योग

स्ट्रेस, tiredness, and anxiety have become a routine part of our lives. As people are constantly stuck in the vortex of extreme pressure in the professional and personal sphere, Yoga Nidra can come to their rescue to improve their नींद and release tension. 

Swami Satyananda developed the concept of योग Nidra, or yogic नींद. This practice involves connecting deeper with your consciousness while letting go of external distractions. You can easily practice Yoga Nidra in the comfort of your home. 

The benefits of Yoga Nidra are plenty. First, it provides effective release from depression and long-standing anxiety. It can help you obtain sound नींद. This sense of guided Yoga Nidra can reduce post-traumatic स्ट्रेस disorder (PTSD), and improves your मानसिक स्वास्थ्य. Yoga Nidra boosts your mood. The meditative practice of Yoga Nidra guides people to a state of relaxation between their sleeping and waking times.  

Besides alleviating mental स्ट्रेस, योग Nidra can relieve headaches and muscle tension. You can carry out your activities more efficiently and effectively with an improved attention span. It helps treat sleeping disorders such as अनिद्रा और नींद deprivation. Practicing Yoga Nidra can make one more mindful of their thoughts and surroundings. You can learn to live in the present moment and develop profound awareness.

योग Nidra also has a significant impact on your physical health. It may lower ब्लड प्रेशर और कोलेस्ट्रॉल levels, replenish energy, and reduce addiction and menstrual irregularities. This form of योग also strengthens the endocrine system and immune system. It calms the autonomic nervous system that regulates the body’s functioning without a conscious effort. It also puts the parasympathetic nervous system into a deeper resting state. 

All one has to do is wear comfortable clothes, find a quiet place, lie down in the corpse pose or the savasana and play a नींद meditation soundtrack that can lull you to नींद.

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