Meditation In The Morning_Activ Living Community

सुबह ध्यान लगाने से शरीर और मन को किस प्रकार लाभ मिल सकता है?

In the daily hustle and bustle of life, we often forget to take care of our mental health. Therefore, it is vital to practise morning meditation to bring a sense of calmness and relaxation before taking on the day. Mindfulness meditation early in the morning can help you stay organized and execute tasks effectively.

इनके बारे में जानें:

The connection of body and mind in the morning

In ancient yoga, “Prana,” or life force, always flows through your body. You can live in harmony when this energy is in tune with your body and mind. Our unconscious thoughts decide how much energy we can spend during the day. Misalignment with life energy can lead to energy leaks, reducing your capabilities. 

Several things can often spin out of control during the morning. However, practising morning meditation can help you stay connected to the life source supporting you! By meditating in the morning, you can have a thickened prefrontal cortex, resulting in increased thinking skills. Exercising our brain can help strengthen our worldview and our thought process. 

फायदे, अगर आप करते हैं सुबह का मेडिटेशन

Benefits of Morning Meditation

Mornings are considered the most productive and positive time of the day. How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Therefore, after you have had a good night’s sleep, set a morning routine in advance to structure your day efficiently. Everyone has the same 24 hours; it depends on how individuals make the most of it. Instead of checking your phone in the morning, start with self-care techniques, including practising yoga or morning meditation which can immensely benefit your mind and body.

  • Helps you plan your day better
  • Relieves stress, anxiety, tension, and depression
  • Slows the heart and breathing rate and boosts blood flow
  • Improves concentration and memory
  • Boosts mood and confidence
  • Increases productivity and efficiency and motivates you to do your best
  • Gives a sense of empowerment for the ability to control your day
  • Enables you to delve deeper into the mind to a state of peace, happiness, and optimism
  • मेडिटेशन makes you aware of your emotions, and this self-awareness brings clarity to your thoughts
  • Makes you enthusiastic, successful, and energetic throughout the day
  • Helps reduce blood pressure, migraines, and headaches and improves insomnia
  • दैनिक मेडिटेशन practise enables you to control negative thoughts and builds greater appreciation for yourself
  • Increases the feeling of kindness and compassion

How to practise morning meditation?

You can practise सुबह का मेडिटेशन as soon as you wake up. While you are already on your bed and in comfortable clothes, you can set aside a few minutes for मेडिटेशन. Sit straight, close your eyes, and keep other distractions away. Put your right hand on your heart, your left hand on your stomach, and focus on your breathing.

The still and quiet of mornings are the best time as they allow you to enter a deep meditative state. Since your brain waves are in the alpha frequency in the morning, it will enable you the access to reprogram your subconscious mind. सुबह का मेडिटेशन also stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, which has various healing effects throughout the body.

Morning Meditation- Gratefulness

You can also try gratitude मेडिटेशन. Before you begin your day, inhale and exhale, take ten deep breaths and think of 3 things you are grateful for. Try waking up at the same time every day to be consistent with your मेडिटेशन practise. A consistent सुबह का मेडिटेशन practise can help you gain a greater insight into life. 

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