Bad Cholesterol_Activ Living Community

Which 8 Natural Healthy Drinks Can You Drink To Lower Cholesterol?

High cholesterol levels can create fatty deposits in the blood vessels. Their growth makes it difficult for blood to flow through the arteries. These plaque deposits can burst and cause a clot, leading to heart attacks and strokes. That’s why it’s vital to control your cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You can try incorporating physical activities into your daily routine or add natural drinks to lower cholesterol in your diet to stay healthy and avoid such health complications.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance present in our blood that is essential for our body to maintain overall health. The liver generates the cholesterol that the body requires. However, consumption of junk food and an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to the development of high cholesterol levels, also known as high blood cholesterol.

There are two types of cholesterol in your blood:

Why is high cholesterol bad for you?

Lower Your Cholesterol_Activ Living Community

Although cholesterol is vital for your body, persistent high cholesterol levels can cause cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes. If your body has too much cholesterol, it will mix with the toxins and other harmful substances in your blood, resulting in plaque that sticks to the arteries’ walls. Due to such build-ups, the risk of heart attacks and heart diseases increases significantly.

कोलेस्ट्रॉल कम करने के लिए 8 सेहतमंद ड्रिंक्स

Here are 8 natural drinks you can add to your diet to manage your cholesterol levels: 

अनार का जूस:

It is a natural juice that is rich in antioxidants, which lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol. Pomegranate reduces blood vessel damage and prevents the hardening of arteries. Drink the pomegranate juice without adding sugar or any other preservative, as it will result in excess calories.

टमाटर का जूस:

Tomato juice contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects your body cells from external damage. It aids in managing inflammatory diseases, cardiovascular issues, strokes, and even Alzheimer’s. A bowl of tomato basil soup can also help keep your cholesterol levels in check.


Soy Milk_Activ Living Community

It is low in saturated fats, the dietary fats responsible for raising LDL cholesterol. Replace whole milk with soy to reduce the chances of heart disease. Since it has one of the highest protein contents among plant-based milk beverages, it can easily be used in smoothies with pumpkin puree, mango, bananas, plums and grapes, cereals, and oatmeal, or you can simply drink it alone.

ग्रीन टी:

This tea is a healthy drink that can reduce obesity and cholesterol. It contains catechin that can lower LDL cholesterol. In addition, it also contains Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant that prevents plaque buildup in your arteries. 

ओटमिल्क (जई का दूध):

Oatmilk contains beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that helps reduce bad cholesterol. This produces a gel-like substance in the gut and interacts with bile salts, which prevents cholesterol absorption. It contains more fiber and protein content than regular milk.


The main ingredient in dark chocolate is cocoa. Dark chocolate is good for the heart and improves blood pressure and cognitive functions. Cocoa drinks contain antioxidant properties like flavonols and high monounsaturated fatty acids that will enhance your cholesterol levels. However, avoid drinking processed chocolate, which has high saturated fats. Opt for unprocessed raw cocoa powder containing little to no sugar.

हिबिस्कस टी:

Hibiscus tea features strong antioxidant properties. Free radicals cause oxidative stress that can worsen your cholesterol levels. The antioxidants present in herbal tea can neutralize these free radicals. Add a teaspoon and a half of hibiscus to a cup of hot water to brew the tea. Cover it and steep it for about 5 minutes. Strain it and then drink it.

Peppermint tea:

Consuming peppermint tea increases bile production, which increases the levels of good cholesterol in your body.

While these 8 natural drinks to lower cholesterol can effectively improve your health, it takes some time for your cholesterol levels to get normal again. If you feel uneasy at any point in time, visit a healthcare expert immediately. 

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