rock salt feature_Activ Living Community

काले नमक के फायदे, जो इसे एक स्वस्थ विकल्प बनाते हैं

Key Takeaways

  • Although low in iodine, rock salt is a chemical and toxin-free pure salt.
  • It maintains electrolyte balance, supports digestive health, regulates sodium levels, cools the body, and boosts metabolism.
  • It also strengthens immunity, treats sore throats, regulates the sleep cycle, helps purify the air and rejuvenates the skin.

You must have noticed that individuals who fast occasionally use rock salt instead of normal salt. Have you ever wondered why?

इनके बारे में जानें:

काला नमक क्या है?

जब कोई व्यक्ति व्रत रखता है, तो उसके भोजन पर कुछ प्रतिबंध लगते हैं, जैसे मांस, प्याज, लहसुन और नमक. हिमालयन क्रिस्टल सॉल्ट या हिमालय क्रिस्टल सॉल्ट या सेंधा नमक या काला नमक, के नाम से लोकप्रिय काला नमक सात्विक आहार का एक तत्व है क्योंकि इसे सभी रसायनों या विषाक्त पदार्थों से मुक्त, सबसे शुद्ध नमक माना जाता है. इस गुलाबी रंग के नमक को शाकाहारी नमक माना जाता है क्योंकि इसे समुद्र के पानी से नहीं बनाया जाता और इसका इस्तेमाल धार्मिक उद्देश्यों के लिए किया जाता है, मुख्य रूप से व्रत के दौरान.

काले नमक के लाभ

काले नमक के कई लाभ हैं:

Maintains electrolyte balance and pH levels

सेंधा नमक restores the body’s electrolytes and maintains pH levels when individuals are on a strict, restrictive diet. Therefore, they can help मांसपेशियों में ऐंठन और दर्द से.

Supports digestive health

rock salt 1_Activ Living Community

Rock salt facilitates the easy digestion of food and hastens the process of food absorption. It is used as a home remedy to treat various digestive ailments, including bloating, heartburn, constipation, and vomiting.

Regulates sodium levels

Although too much sodium can harm your health, too little sodium can also be detrimental, as it can cause seizures, poor sleep, or convulsions. Consuming small amounts of rock salt can minimize the risk of low sodium levels and thereby raise ब्लड प्रेशर. For the same reason, it is advisable for individuals suffering from hypertension to include rock salt in their daily meals.

Acts as a coolant for the body

काला नमक शरीर को अंदर से ठंडा करता है और शरीर में पानी को बनाए रखने में मदद करता है.

Boosts metabolism

विटामिन K, जो मौजूद है सेंधा नमक can boost the body’s metabolism. Rock salt reactivates insulin to reduce sugar cravings and helps maintain weight. You can ditch table salt and pick or use a pinch of rock salt in your meals. You can even try sprinkling it over fruits.

Strengthening immunity with trace minerals

It contains various trace minerals, including manganese, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, iodine, and magnesium from salt range mountains. These minerals aid rock salt in strengthening the body’s defenses against pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it improves the body’s immune system and curbs illnesses.

Treats sore throats

rock salt 2_Activ Living Community

Gargling with salt water can treat sore throats. The decongestant properties of rock salt can relieve you from a blocked nose and cough. It can also clear nasal passages and the throat cavity. It is also a renowned remedy for treating tonsillitis and asthma.

Regulates sleep cycles

The brain controls the sleep-wake cycle by changing the levels of salts in the brain. The supportive cells in the brain regulate the salt levels. Rock salt, because of its mineral content, regulates the level of melatonin, which can regulate your sleep cycle. It is also a bath salt that relaxes your muscles and improves sleep.

Helps purify the air

हिमालय का काला नमक एक प्राकृतिक एयर प्यूरीफायर है. सॉल्ट क्रिस्टल के प्रोडक्ट हवा से वॉटर वेपर निकालते हैं, और इस प्रकार हवा में मौजूद गंदगी और दूषित तत्वों को कम करते हैं. आप सॉल्ट लैंप का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और इसे अपने घर में किसी ऐसी जगह रख सकते हैं जहां आप सबसे ज्यादा समय बिताते हों.

Rejuvenates the skin

Rock salt can help eliminate clogged pores and rejuvenate and cleanse your skin. Its minerals can help reduce inflammation, promoting clear skin. It can also improve skin hydration and texture. Its antiseptic properties can help treat skin issues like acne and eczema. It can strengthen skin tissue, making skin look younger and firmer.

Disadvantage of rock salt

Despite these advantages, rock salt also has one potential disadvantage.

Low in iodine

Relying entirely on rock salt can lead to iodine deficiency syndrome, and excessive consumption can result in high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and fatigue.

Despite this disadvantage, rock salt’s versatility makes it beneficial for health, beauty, culinary, and environmental uses. However, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid potential negative health impacts.


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