Gym Partner_Activ Living Community

How A Workout Partner Will Help Your New Year Fitness Resolution?

It’s easy to make a new year’s health resolution, but making it happen is a task for sure. 71% of people give up on their resolutions within the first two weeks. Most people might find it a daunting task to stick to their health resolutions all by themselves and need a little push from others. Without a companion, you might even get bored and drop your healthy habit completely and quickly.

But don’t worry. We are here to help you mentally push yourself to fulfill your health resolutions this year. Aditya Birla Health Insurance presents to you #LetTheMindGamesBegin. This is a 14-day health program on our Activ Living Community, where you will learn how to hack your brain to stick to your New Year health resolutions.

Avoid giving up on this year’s resolution using expert advice in फिटनेस, पोषण, and mindfulness. Watch this space for a new mind hack every day to keep you going with your health resolutions. Today’s hack is about making fitness a party with a फिटनेस buddy.

What you need to know?

Why should you look for a gym buddy?

You need a friend for different situations – someone whose shoulder you can cry on, one with whom you can share your secrets, and another who understands you. But have you ever thought of having a friend who can motivate you to stay fit? As with most things, a friend can help you get fit. Here are some benefits of exercising with a partner:

  • They can be an added motivation by pushing you to work out harder, all in a spirit of friendly competition.
  • They can also help you be more adventurous and try different workouts because, with them, it will feel more like fun than a workout.
  • They will also encourage you to work out more consistently because you will be more likely to show up if someone else is counting on you to be there.
  • They will ensure no excuses come in the way of your health journey.

Who can be your gym buddy?

Gym Buddy_Activ Living Community

Your workout partner can be anyone close to you, from your parents to your pet. Working out together is not just a great way to become healthier, but it can be a fun activity to enjoy while spending quality time together. This can be especially meaningful if your gym partner is also your spouse. Spending time with your spouse becomes a challenge in today’s busy life. So working out with each other will give you time together and improve your relationship.

Often, your workout partner can also be your office colleague. They can help you reduce unhealthy snacking habits during work hours and motivate you to do a few fun exercises to stay active throughout the day.

3 fitness exercises to do with your gym partner

Planks with a clap

Planks With A Clap_Activ Living Community

Assume the standard plank position with your partner facing you. Lift one hand and clap the opposite hand of your partner. Bring the hand back down and continue to alternate.

Wheelbarrow push-ups

Assume the normal high plank position with your palms under your shoulder. Ask your partner to lift your legs by your ankles. Complete a set of 10 pushups each.

Body weight squats

Stand facing your partner at arm’s length, with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Hold your partner’s forearm as you both lower your bodies in a squat.

Squat with rotational passes

Stand back to back with your partner and get into a low squat position so that your thighs are parallel to the ground. Use a medicine ball or any regular ball. Rotate your upper torso to the left to hand the ball to your partner, who will return the ball by turning right.

Sit-up pass

Lie face up, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Intertwine your ankle with that of your partner so that they overlap. After one partner extends their arms overhead holding a ball, their abs contract when they sit up to pass the ball to their partner, who performs the same exercise.

Plank hold and jump

While one partner holds a forearm प्लैंक throughout the exercise, the other partner can jump laterally over their partner’s ankles and continue the same on both sides. The two partners can switch roles after doing this एक्सरसाइज़ for 30 seconds.

Stay tuned to our ऐक्टिव लिविंग कम्युनिटी to find more fitness plans and tips on लाइफस्टाइल और सचेतन. For more mind hacks, check out the #LetTheMindGamesBegin section यहां.

Saloni Agarwal

Saloni Agarwal is a fitness coach and a transformation expert. She is a muscle blaze athlete and has featured in Business Insider, India.