Fun Activities_Activ Living Community

5 Fun Exercises You’ll Love To Break The Monotony Of Your Daily Workout

You must have made your health resolutions this new year. But we often fall short of completing them. No matter how many exercises and workout routines you and your फिटनेस trainer flesh out, they will only mean nothing if you are consistent. If the thought of breaking a sweat breaks your spirit, it is time to think of fun exercises to stay active to achieve your fitness goals.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Saloni Agarwal, a fitness expert, is here to help you meet the big goals you have set to fulfill your health resolutions. Aditya Birla Health Insurance presents to you #LetTheMindGamesBegin. This is a 14-day health program on our Activ Living Community, where you will learn how to trick your brain into following through on your नव वर्ष health resolutions. Avoid giving up on this year’s resolution using expert advice in फिटनेस, पोषण, and mindfulness.

5 fun exercises to complete your new year fitness resolutions

Change is the only constant that can act as an incentive to motivate you to achieve your goals. Motivation is directly linked to breaking the norms. When our body gets used to one particular exercise routine, it starts finding it mundane, and the demotivation kicks in. Therefore, it is imperative to change your routine to boost your adrenaline. Staying fit does require not only consistency or discipline but also some fun to make your workouts exciting. Completing your resolutions should not feel like a chore. Take a look at 5 fun एक्सरसाइज़ you can try to stay motivated to complete your new year fitness resolutions.

Laughter Therapy_Activ Living Community

  • Laughter therapy: The importance of laughter yoga is highly understated. Laughter techniques are a therapeutic strategy that can bring about psychological benefits, wherein you train your body and mind while treating your lungs and heart. You can try laughter yoga with seniors or while playing with children in a garden. By doing so, you awaken your inner child and end up exercising and doing cardio without realizing it. Laughter yoga can improve the quality of your life, boost your mood, reduce stress, and helps you better manage hardships.
  • Recreational sports: Take a break from working out at the gym. Pick up a racket and try your hand at lawn tennis or any other recreational sport that helps you stay active. Play your favorite sport to refresh your mind. Such physical activities release oxytocin, which boosts your adrenaline and leaves your mind feeling light.

Hiking_Activ Living Community

  • Hiking: Activities like running or jogging on the same conventional path you have set for yourself can become tiring. Even walking around the neighborhood or exercising from the confines of your home can become tedious. Once in a while, you can hike and explore new places. A different activity and environment can charge up your brain and help burn calories. Hiking takes you away from all stressful things and puts you in nature’s midst. Walking in nature can help you overcome mental fatigue. Escaping everyday distractions and walking in nature can also be your ultimate source of inspiration to fulfill your new year resolutions. It can be an adventure for your body and mind.

Zumba_Activ Living Community

  • ज़ुम्बा: You must have tried practising HIIT एक्सरसाइज़, but have you ever tried to burn energy on your favorite number? You can dance or try Zumba on a foot-tapping number as a fun exercise, which will energize you. Zumba involves high-impact bouncing moves and jumping that can help burn calories. It improves your cardiovascular health, coordination, and balance. The quick movements in a Zumba routine can make you breathe hard, which एक्सरसाइज़ your lungs to add more oxygen to the blood. It can further help in weight management and is a great way to control your ब्लड प्रेशर levels. Zumba improves your metabolism and brings you closer to moving more this year.
  • Cycling or biking: A great way to get your workout done is by taking your cycle out and exploring new places. You can team up with friends and bike in groups to different places. While you burn calories, you also tone your muscles and exercise your entire body without it actually feeling like एक्सरसाइज़. Visit new places or bike amidst nature to enrich your mind, body, and soul.
    Change is the only constant. It is alright if you don’t stick to a workout plan or a pattern. Try fun exercises which you enjoy, which will help you stay active and true to your health resolutions this year.

Stay healthy with the ऐक्टिव लिविंग कम्युनिटी – your everyday health expert. Stay tuned for more लाइफस्टाइल और सचेतन-related information. For more mind hacks, check out the #LetTheMindGamesBegin section यहां.

Saloni Agarwal

Saloni Agarwal is a fitness coach and a transformation expert. She is a muscle blaze athlete and has featured in Business Insider, India.