Buy Smaller To Get Fitter_Activ Living Community

Need Motivation To Get Fitter? Try Buying One Size Smaller

Once you start fulfilling your new year health and fitness resolutions and stay true to them, there is no looking back. If you see yourself completing a week or a month of non-stop health care, it is time to reward yourself. But not with junk food that can backtrack your progress. Invest in a dress that does not fit you. You must be thinking, why? This is not a way to waste money, but rather stay motivated to fit ‘right’ into your future.

Aditya Birla Health Insurance presents to you #LetTheMindGamesBegin. This is a 14-day health program on our Activ Living Community, where you will learn how to make up your mind to follow through on your new year health resolutions. Avoid giving up on this year’s resolution using expert advice in fitness, nutrition, and mindfulness. Saloni Agarwal, a fitness coach, will guide you in fitting into the dress of your dreams.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Fitness reasons to invest in a dress

Shopping for clothes is therapeutic, especially if it is a dress you have been eyeing for a long time. But if you think the dress will not fit you, this is the time to challenge yourself to push towards your body goals. Buy that dress a size smaller or bigger than what fits you if you need gains – it is a simple trick but works like a charm.

Now that you have invested, you have skin in the game. Every time you sort out your wardrobe, you will look at the dress and think about what must be done to fit it. When you do fit into a dress, it can make you feel confident. This dress will help you stay on track with your health goals and make you push yourself. Here are some reasons to invest in a dress which is synonymous with investing in your health:

  • Buying clothes can be a great way to motivate yourself and start working out. The clothes need not be too small but a close fit where you just need a bit of toning to fit them in.
  • Seeing the smaller/bigger clothes hanging in your closet can be a visual reminder of your goals and help keep you motivated to stay on track with your fitness routine.
  • Wearing clothes that fit you well can also boost your confidence and make you feel good about yourself, which can help you stay motivated to continue working out and making progress.
  • Keep in mind that getting in shape is a journey, and it’s essential to be patient and consistent with your efforts. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see immediate results, as it takes time to make lasting changes to your body.
  • Celebrate your progress along the way, whether it’s fitting into a pair of jeans that were previously too tight or completing a new workout routine. These small victories can help encourage you to track your ultimate goals.

Focused exercises

You need concrete exercises to realize your health goals. And to help you fit into the dress, take a look at the following focused exercises:
Try this core-based stomach workout to target belly fat:

Scissor legs

Scissor legs accessories

  • Lie flat on your yoga mat with your legs together and arms by your sides.
  • Raise your legs overhead and place your palms flat against the back of your lower back.
  • Balance evenly on the backs of your shoulders and raise one leg while you lower the other. Repeat this on the other side and perform this exercise for 2 sets of 20 reps while you keep your core tight and relaxed.

Suitcase sit-ups

  • Lay back on your mat with your knees at a 90-degree angle off the floor and hands placed on either side of your ears.
  • As you bring your knees close to your chest, raise your torso and hands so that your elbows touch the knees.
  • Extend your legs straight as you lower your upper body to the floor.
  • Repeat the crunches and perform this exercise for 2 sets of 20 reps.
  • Take a look at exercises that guarantee lean legs for days:

Dumbbell squats

Women holding dumbbell -Fitness workout

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells by sides. (If you don’t have dumbbells, you can even use water bottles).
  • Push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat position. Keep the weights on either side of your shins.
  • Press through the heels to return to the starting position, and repeat to tone your thighs.

Lateral step-ups

  • Stand beside a low box, bench, or step. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, and let them hang by your sides.
  • Place one foot onto the box or step while your other foot is firmly planted on the floor.
  • Press the heel of the foot onto the step and drive your other foot upward until your supporting leg is completely extended.
  • Step down with the trail leg to return to the starting position.
  • You can swiftly shift from one side to the other to burn the outer and inner thigh fat.

Remember, achieving your health goals is not a destination; it is a journey, and that too a long one. There are a lot of methods you can undertake to sustain your efforts but don’t beat yourself up if you don’t see results immediately. The dress can wait and keep you motivated every time you see it while you can progressively work on your health goals every day.

Stay healthy with the ऐक्टिव लिविंग कम्युनिटी – your everyday health expert. Stay tuned for more लाइफस्टाइल और फिटनेस-related information. For more mind hacks, check out the #LetTheMindGamesBegin section यहां.

Saloni Agarwal

Saloni Agarwal is a fitness coach and a transformation expert. She is a muscle blaze athlete and has featured in Business Insider, India.