Yoga For People With Diabetes_Activ Living Community

3 Yoga Poses That Every Person With Diabetes Should Try

While changes in eating patterns can help reduce the risk of diabetes, consistently practising yoga for diabetes can also lower blood sugar levels. Certain yoga asanas stretch the pancreas, which can stimulate the production of insulin-producing beta cells to reduce the risk of diabetes.

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फायदे, अगर आप करते हैं योग आमतौर पर डायबिटीज

Benefits of Yoga on Diabetes

People who undergo psychological stress, have an unhealthy eating pattern, or have a sedentary lifestyle are more prone to getting diagnosed with diabetes. Yoga is beneficial for your mind, body, and soul. Here is how yoga can benefit people with diabetes:

  • Control your stress levels: Stress is the primary reason behind cardiovascular complications, hypertension, and insulin resistance. Yoga renders a therapeutic effect, which can reduce stress.
  • Prevent diabetic neuropathy: Neuropathy is the damage to one or more nerves – a common complication in people with diabetes. Certain yoga poses can stimulate the body’s blood flow and improve nerve conduction.
  • Bring stability and balance: Practising yoga improves overall well-being. It also enhances the function of neurological and endocrine organs.
  • Maintain normal blood sugar levels: Along with medication and insulin therapy, stay active and perform yoga.

3 योगा पोज / योगासन to reduce the risk of डायबिटीज

Take a look at the best yoga poses to reduce the risk of diabetes:

Yoga for Diabetes- Bow Pose

Dhanurasana (बो पोज़ (धनुरासन) –

इस योग मुद्रा strengthens and regulates the pancreas, making it the most suitable asana for people with डायबिटीज

  • Lie down on your stomach with your feet slightly apart.
  • Fold your knees and hold your ankle.
  • Take a deep breath and lift your chest from the ground. Simultaneously, pull your legs up and feel the stretch on your arms and thighs.
  • Look straight ahead. Hold the pose for at least 15 seconds.
  • As you exhale, slowly bring your chest down to the ground. Leave your ankle and bring your legs towards the ground.

Yoga for Diabetes- Upward-Facing Dog

Bhujangasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose) –

This yoga asana targets your triceps, spinal extensors, and quadricep muscles to enhance muscle strength and reduce blood sugar levels.

  • Lie on your abdomen and keep your legs straight.
  • Keep your forearms perpendicular to the floor, and place your arm beside you.
  • Press into your arms to lift your body, and try creating pressure on your feet to firm your hip muscles.
  • Look straight and hold the position for 30-40 seconds. Remember to breathe properly.

Yoga for Diabetes- Wheel Pose

Chakarasana (Wheel Pose) –

This is yet another effective yoga asana for diabetes. This posture strengthens your pancreas and stimulates insulin release to balance blood sugar levels.

  • Lie down on your back. Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet close to your hips.
  • Bring your palm under your shoulder. Ensure that your fingers point towards your shoulders. Keep your elbows shoulder-width apart.
  • Press your palm firmly on the ground and inhale while lifting your shoulders, elbows, and hips.
  • Straighten your arms and legs, so your hips and shoulder feel the upward push.
  • Hold this pose for a few seconds. Bend your elbows and shoulders first to bring your head down slowly. After that, bend your knees to lower your hips and spine to the ground.

Diet and exercise for diabetes

Apart from the yoga asana for diabetes, you can include the following exercises and dietary plans in your lifestyle and avoid the risk of getting diagnosed with diabetes.

  • Include foods that are packed with protein, whole grains, healthy fats and superfoods and fiber and are low on sugar and carbs.
  • Limit the intake of starchy vegetables and salty, sugary, fried and unhealthy foods so that your blood sugar levels remain stable.
  • Try to incorporate physical activities that don’t increase your blood pressure. Start slow – walking, yoga, low-intensity workout, stretching, pilates, etc.
  • Make sure to start specific yoga asanas for diabetes first so they become a part of your routine.

If you feel uneasy during any exercise/activity, please stop immediately. Do not strain yourself, and do the exercise/activity only if you feel comfortable and based on your existing health conditions.

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep updated with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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