Benefits Of Coconut Water_Activ Living Community

How Does Coconut Water Help Lower High Blood Pressure? Know The Science

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High blood pressure is a menacing health issue common in adults. According to the World Health Organization, of 220 million people with hypertension in India, only 12% of people have their blood pressure under control. While many depend on medicines life-long, it is always great to try dependable natural remedies.

Coconut water is a popular beverage and a great alternative to water. It is naturally delicious and hydrating. In addition, it contains many essential elements, such as minerals, that many people don’t receive. But is it beneficial for high blood pressure? Let’s find out.

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Coconut water as a potential natural remedy

As refreshing as it sounds, coconut water is on the list of potential natural remedies for high blood pressure. High potassium in the diet helps reduce sodium in the body, which is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure.

This is where you can consume coconut water for high blood pressure. It is a drink known for its rich electrolyte content, including potassium and magnesium.

Composition of coconut water

One of the best soothing drinks to beat the summer heat, coconut water’s nutritional value highlights how it could be a potential natural remedy for blood pressure problems.

Here’s a detailed composition of its nutrients in every 100 grams –

  • Water – 95 grams
  • Energy – 19 kcal
  • Protein – 0.72 grams
  • Sugar – 2.61 grams
  • कार्बोहाइड्रेट – 3.71 ग्राम
  • Fat (lipid) – 0.2 grams
  • Potassium – 215 milligrams
  • Sodium – 105 milligrams
  • Calcium – 24 milligrams

The impressive amount of potassium (almost 500 milligrams in 8 ounces) is a reliable indicator of its potential. However, it is not a scientifically proven solution, so you should be cautious about its consumption.

How is coconut water consumed?

Drinking Coconut Water_Activ Living Community

  • Quantity: Coconut water is considered to have almost no serious side effects. If the coconut water is 100% natural and devoid of added sugars or preservatives, it is advised to consume 300 milliliters of it twice daily to manage high blood pressure.
  • Time: The low calories make it easy to digest at any time of the day. However, to ensure you are consuming fresh water, it is recommended to have it in the morning. This is not a rule of thumb, so you can consume it according to your diet plan and meals.
  • How to have it?: The ideal way to enjoy coconut water is fresh, directly from the coconut, when it is entirely natural and hasn’t had any sweets or preservatives added. However, to get creative, try it out in smoothies or freeze them as ice cubes or popsicle sticks.

The link between coconut water and high blood pressure

The potassium content is the main link between coconut water and high blood pressure. Let’s see how it helps the body.

How does coconut water help lower blood pressure?

Coconut water lowers blood pressure in two significant ways:

  • Since it is a powerhouse of potassium, coconut water helps the kidneys excrete high sodium levels from the body – an essential requirement to lower blood pressure.
  • Potassium also affects the overall vascular health of the body. This prevents multiple risks, like impacting the blood vessels and reducing the chances of stroke.

Benefits of drinking coconut water

Coconut Water_Activ Living Community

Along with regulating blood pressure levels, water from this nutrient-rich tropical fruit has several other health benefits.

  • Hydration: It is considered an incredibly hydrating beverage for those who engage in regular physical activity, as it can compensate for fluid loss during intense workout sessions.
  • Skin Health: Coconut water is an excellent solution for skin health and skincare, thanks to its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
  • Better Digestion: This beverage’s minerals, vitamins, and antioxidant properties improve gut health and promote better digestion.
  • Regulated Blood Sugar: Magnesium is abundant in coconut water, which may improve insulin sensitivity and lower blood sugar levels.

Possible risks and side effects of consuming coconut water

Drinking coconut water when your blood pressure is high comes with its own set of risks. But does coconut water increase blood pressure? If not consumed in the right amounts, the drink can negatively affect health. Some possible risks to look out for include:

  • Upset stomach: Some people may experience bloating (fullness) and gastrointestinal problems if they consume large amounts of coconut water.
  • Kidney problems and high potassium levels: Potassium levels in the blood may increase with excessive consumption of coconut water. As a result, persons with kidney ailments should limit their usage of coconut water and consult a doctor about it.
  • Side effects for people suffering from cystic fibrosis: Coconut water consumption is not advised if you have cystic fibrosis, as it may lead to an imbalance in your body’s salt and potassium levels.

Precautions to take when drinking coconut water for high blood pressure

You can be judicious about coconut water consumption with the following considerations:

  • Be sure to read the label if choosing a bottled pack. Select products that are entirely made of coconut water and don’t have any sugar or preservatives added.
  • It is preferable to consume after workouts than before to boost hydration.
  • Coconut water may interfere with blood pressure control during and after surgery. You should stop drinking coconut water at least two weeks before your procedure.

Now that you’re fully aware of coconut water’s benefits and side effects for high blood pressure, it is clear that it can be beneficial for health with the right precautions. So plan your diet with the right amount of coconut water today!

You can calculate your blood pressure at home with our Online Blood Pressure Calculator. Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषणफिटनेसmindfulness, और lifestyle conditions लाइक करें अस्थमाब्लड प्रेशरकोलेस्ट्रॉल, और डायबिटीज.

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