Alkaline Foods_Activ Living Community

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A balanced diet and consumption of healthy food are primary solutions to leading a healthy lifestyle. However, to attain this sense of well-being, one must partake in a holistic diet that has the right pH balance of acid and alkaline foods.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is the alkaline diet?

What are alkaline foods?

All of us worry about the pH levels of our skin, but very little importance is given to the pH levels of our blood. An alkaline diet plan focuses on the list of alkaline foods that help modulate the pH balance of the blood. Everything we consume impacts our blood’s pH balance; hence, consuming only those fruits, veggies, and nuts that help regulate the acid and alkaline in our body is crucial.

The pH balance can be defined or measured in three categories ranging from 0-14 0 denotes that the acidic levels are too high, 7 denotes a neutral level, and 14 denotes high levels of alkaline.

How does the alkaline diet work?

The stomach releases gastric acids during the process of digestion to break the food into small particles. While the stomach has a pH balance that ranges from 2.0-3.5, which is considered highly acidic, an unhealthy lifestyle and poor food habits can lead to acidity or acid reflux. Thus, it is essential to incorporate alkaline-rich food into your diet.

Benefits of alkaline foods in your diet

One of the most important benefits of alkaline foods is that it protects bone density and muscle mass. While a high acid level in the body can cause inflammation, an alkaline diet can boost immune functions and reduce swelling and redness. Including alkaline in your diet plan helps in preventing obesity by lowering the level of leptin and eliminating toxins from the body. The alkaline food list in India mainly consists of a nutrition-rich diet that is mostly plant-based, and that’s because, in India, people prefer a vegetarian diet.

Top 7 alkaline foods in India

Alkaline Food Lists

Take a look at a versatile list of alkaline-forming foods to include in your diet:

1. सब्जियां:

Eat vegetables like your life depends on them. Rich in protein and nutrients, broccoli helps in boosting the alkaline formation in the body. Lightly cooked red onions also help in increasing the alkaline level. Green leafy vegetables like spinach and basil are also rich in vitamin K and विटामिन A, with antioxidant effects.

2. फल:

Add a dash of color to your diet with fruits. Tomatoes are the most alkaline when they are consumed in the raw state. Avocados are rich in nutrients and are healthy for the heart. Watermelons have an alkaline-forming effect, thus reducing the risk of diseases or illness.

3. नट्स:

Grabbing a handful of almonds every morning helps in preserving your health. Walnuts, chestnuts, and sunflower seeds can enrich your alkaline diet. Since almonds are rich in magnesium, it helps in alkaline formation.

4 Lemons:

Why do we always resort to lemonade during acid reflux? Because they help in digestion and support the liver in detoxing the body.

5 Garlic and Ginger:

Adding a tablespoon of garlic or ginger to your regular meals can help in increasing immunity. It possesses anti-bacterial effects.

6. मशरूम:

Mushrooms can improve the pH balance and promote the level of alkalinity. They are also rich in nutrients and can be added as a supplement to your diet.

7. पेय:

Quench your thirst with refreshing beverages like herbal tea or coconut water that have high alkaline value. They can help in preventing diabetic complications and lowers blood pressure.

Health is wealth. So, turn to alkaline diets to add life to your years.

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