benefits of Kundalini yoga poses_activ living

Kundalini Yoga: 3 Benefits That You Can Reap

Kundalini yoga is a form of yoga pose that includes chanting, breathing exercises and chanting. Practising these types of yoga postures can activate the kundalini energy, located near the ending of your spine. Awaking this energy in your body can help you become more aware and mindful.

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Importance of kundalini yoga in the modern age

Kundalini yogas have been practised since ancient times. When done correctly, these yogas can activate your energy and moves it through the chakra points. Let’s take a look at some of the chakra in your body:

  • Crown chakra
  • Throat chakra
  • Third-eye chakra
  • Naval chakra
  • Heart chakra
  • Sacral chakra
  • Root chakra

As the kundalini energy flows through these chakra points, it’s considered that these chakra points get in harmony with your body, resulting in physical and mental wellness.

Principles of kundalini yoga

Kundalini yoga might include physical postures but is not the main focus. Mostly it consists of 3 main practises. Here is a list of them
Chanting: Every Kundalini yoga session starts with a chanting session. This is also known as tuning in with your body and mind.
Kriya: This session involves several physical postures, hand positions, and meditation techniques. The length and intensity of this part depend on your preference and objectives.
Relaxation: This session allows your body to rest and absorb the after-effects of Kriya.
Meditation: This portion requires you to practise meditation posture to cultivate a sense of belonging and awareness.
After meditation, you can end the session by chanting.

Benefits of kundalini yoga

Here’s how practising kundalini yoga benefits your health and well-being.
Relieves stress and anxiety
Kundalini yoga is one of the most effective types of yoga when it comes to keeping anxiety and stress at bay. In a study, it was found that people practising this yoga type experienced rapid stress and anxiety relief. The effect continued while they practised for 3 months. It can also help people suffering from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder)
Improves cognitive function
It’s also found that practising kundalini yoga can help you boost several skills in the short term, such as problem-solving skills, reasoning, and cognitive flexibility. In addition, It can also help you manage the effects of depression.
Boosts self-perception
Performing kundalini yoga can help you cultivate a positive body image. In addition, it can also help you manage eating disorders in a healthy way.

Kundalini yoga practises

Here are some of the most effective kundalini yoga postures that you can incorporate in your daily life.

Cobra pose yoga_activ living

Cobra pose: Apart from activating your kundalini energy, practising this kundalini yoga also benefits your mental health. Cobra pose, or bhujangasana can melt away your stress in a very short period of time:
Steps to do this pose:

  • Lie on your belly and press your hands and legs together.
  • Touch the ground with your palms and make sure it’s aligned with your shoulders
  • While inhaling deeply, raise your head and lift your chest and stomach.
  • Make your arms straight and move your shoulders back and fro.
  • Hold this pose for 15 seconds.
  • Exhale deeply while returning to the starting posture.

Archer pose Kundalini Yoga_Activ Living

Archer pose: Practising this Kundalini yoga pose can help you become more confident in your day-to-day life.
Steps to do this pose:

  • Stand straight with your feet together. move your right leg and place it at a 45-degree angle.
  • While keeping your right leg straight, take a step back with your right foot and bend your left knee.
  • Extend your arms and make a fist with both hands while pointing your thumb up.
  • Rotate your upper body to the left and bend your right elbow.
  • Look forward and hold this position for 2-3 minutes.
  • Switch sides and repeat while simultaneously deep breathing.
  • Performing Kundalini yoga can help you de-clutter your mind and live in the present moment.

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