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From Ancient Ayurveda To Modern Medicine: 4 Giloy Health Benefits

Certain herbs can cure and manage many health conditions. Giloy is one of them. It is a renowned ayurvedic herb that can boost your overall health and treat a wide range of infections and illnesses like fevers, colds and others.

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Importance and popularity of Giloy in traditional medicine

Giloy plant, also scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia, is a shrub that usually grows on other plants for support. While the Giloy plant can be seen widely in India, it can also be found in Africa and Australia. All parts of the Giloy plant are used in Ayurvedic medicine, the stem being the most useful part. Typically, Giloy benefits the following conditions:

  • Urinary problems
  • Dysentery 
  • अस्थमा
  • दस्त
  • डायबिटीज
  • गठिया
  • Jaundice
  • Eye problems

Health benefits of Giloy

giloy benefits_activ living communityHere are some of the ways in which Giloy benefits your health: 

  • Enhances your immune system:

Giloy is rich in antioxidant properties that protect your healthy body cells and repairs them by removing free radicals and toxins from your liver and kidneys. In addition, Giloy benefits your liver health by fighting bacteria, viruses and other infections.   

  • Improves digestive system:

Eating half a gram of Giloy plant daily can keep all your digestive ailments, such as nausea, hyperacidity, diarrhea, colitis, etc., at bay. Mixing Giloy in buttermilk is also known to aid people with piles.

  • Helps in managing and curing fever:

Giloy’s anti-inflammatory properties help in naturally increasing your blood platelet count. This results in a strong immune system that can alleviate the symptoms of high fever during malaria or dengue.

  • Helps maintain your blood sugar levels: 

Giloy benefits your health by acting as a hypoglycemic agent (making body cells less resistant to insulin). Additionally, the Giloy plant contains berberine, an alkaline compound that inhibits excess glucose production or improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, enabling cells to take up glucose from the bloodstream. Berberine is also responsible for reducing bad cholesterol levels (LDL). 

How to use Giloy?

giloy drink_activ living communityThe Giloy plant can be found in the form of pills, lotion, cream, powder and tincture (juice from the stems and the roots). You can use it to freshen your skin and strengthen your hair.

Incorporate Giloy into a healthy lifestyle

Here’s how you can incorporate Giloy in your life for a healthy lifestyle:

  • Giloy stems powder: Take 2 to 6 grams per day and divide the dose into ⅔ times a day. 
  • Giloy Juice: Take 2 to 3 spoons of Giloy mixed with water in the morning once a day. 

Don’t give children more than 1000 mg of Giloy every day. Adding Giloy to your diet on a daily basis can help enhance your overall health. 

Giloy has been used as an Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. Giloy benefits your immunity and helps fight various infections and fevers. 

Disclaimer- Do not consider this information as professional medical advice. This is only for informational purposes.  

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