UTI_Activ Living Community

Beyond The Burn: 4 Modern Approaches To Resolving Urinary Tract Infections

Is that burning sensation a minor discomfort or a sign of something more severe? Urinary tract infections are not uncommon. So, how do you protect yourself against it? Preventive measures and the right medications can come to your aid.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is a urinary tract infection?

UTI infection_Activ Living Community A urinary tract infection is generally caused when bacteria in your skin or rectum enter your urinary system and infect organs. The most common type of UTI is cystitis (bladder infection). A less common type of UTI is pyelonephritis (kidney infection). The E. Coli bacteria is responsible for most cases of urinary tract infection.   

Here is a list of some factors that can make you more susceptible to a urinary tract infection:

  • Women get UTIs more than men because their urethras are shorter and closer to the rectum. This makes it much easier for bacteria to infect the urinary tract 
  • Older people and children have weak bladder and pelvic floor muscles, resulting in urine retention
  • Enlarged prostate and issues in the urinary tract 
  • Poor hygiene

Symptoms of urinary tract infection

A UTI typically causes inflammation in your urinary tract. Here are some of the urinary tract infection symptoms that you might experience: 

Types of urinary tract infection

UT infection_Activ Living CommunityDifferent types of UTIs occur when various organs in your urinary tract get infected. Depending on the organ infected, there are three main types of urinary tract infections: 

  • Cystitis: It can be defined as the infection in the bladder when it moves up from your urethra.  
  • Urethritis is an infection in the urethra, the hollow tube responsible for clearing the urine from your bladder to the outside. 
  • Pyelonephritis: Pyelonephritis or kidney infection is typically caused by a urinary tract infection that has traveled up the urinary tract or because of an obstruction. An obstruction in the tract can make your blood flow back to your kidneys, causing severe health impacts.  

Treatments for urinary tract infection

Talk to a healthcare expert if your urinary tract infection symptoms are worsening. They can determine if you have UTI through your symptoms and urine test results.

Addressing these infections typically involves the administration of antibiotics. However, some medications might lead to certain side effects, such as rash, dizziness, diarrhea, and nausea.

How can you feel better?

Here are some urinary tract infection treatments you can follow to feel and get better fast:

  • Take antibiotics exactly as your doctor recommends.
  • Do not share your medicines.
  • Drink a lot of water, electrolyte drinks, and other fluids. 
  • Shower frequently.

Talk to a medical expert and take the prescribed medicines to avoid such infections.

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