Is Beetroot Good For Diabetes_Activ Living Community

Is Beetroot Good For Diabetes? Let’s Find Out

Are you one of those people who omit beetroot from salads? Then, you are missing out on many essential nutrients. Here’s why – beetroot has a rich nutritional profile and medicinal properties, making it a culinary superfood. Its role in treating fever, constipation, and skin diseases makes it a daily addition to your plate.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Is beetroot good for diabetes?

Is beetroot good for diabetes? The answer is yes. According to a study published in 2023 by the Indian Council of Medical Research – India Diabetes, the prevalence of diabetes is 10.1 crore, and it is evident that this lifestyle condition is taking a toll on people’s mental and physical health. Along with other clinically proven treatments for diabetes, beetroot has demonstrated certain benefits that make it a part of diabetes treatment.

Exploring the glycemic index of beetroot

The glycemic index (GI) is a rating system that measures how much of a rise we see in blood sugar levels based on the food we eat. These foods are ranked on a scale of 0-100 and further classified as low, medium, and high glycemic foods. Having a low GI will have less impact on blood sugar levels. Three GI ratings are available: low – 55 or less, medium – 56 – 69, and high – 70 or above. Beetroot’s glycemic index falls in the medium range, which is 61.

Benefits of beetroot for sugar patients

Beetroot Glycemic Index_Activ Living Community

Beetroot contains abundant amounts of powerful antioxidants and nutrients; hence, it has been observed that beetroot is good for sugar patients. However, make sure that you consume beetroot in moderation and in the right form.

  • Beetroots may help lower blood sugar and insulin: Ever wondered – Does beetroot increase ब्लड शुगर? Beetroot is low in carbohydrates and rich in fiber, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates preventing spikes in the blood sugar levels.
  • Beetroots may help lower blood pressure: Uncontrolled diabetes leads to high blood pressure, which invites other risk factors like heart disease, stroke, nerve, eye or kidney illnesses. Nitrate is present in beetroot, which improves blood circulation, widens blood vessels, and reduces ब्लड प्रेशर.
  • Beetroots help insulin resistance: Beetroot helps improve insulin sensitivity in people with diabetes and reduces blood sugar. Your body releases metabolites in the process of breaking down food or other substances. The high concentration of this metabolite (nitrate) in beetroot may reduce insulin resistance.

Debunking the myth: Does beetroot increase blood sugar?

Many people stop eating vegetables like beetroot due to the fear of increasing sugar, but beetroot is beneficial for your health as it is rich in nutrients. People with diabetes should include beetroot in their diet as it does not pose any health risks.

How to incorporate beetroot into a diabetes-friendly diet?

Beetroot Is Good For Sugar Patient_Activ Living Community

Beetroot is available throughout the year, so you can easily include it in your diet. Eating raw beets provides more nutritional value, although grated beets can be a great addition to your salads and smoothies. Beetroot soup, beetroot chips, and oven-roasted beets are among the snack options of this healthy superfood. You can also add them to pasta sauce or sandwiches for supplemental nutrition.

While including beetroot in your diet, keeping its quantity in mind is very important. It is always advisable to consume beetroot in moderation. For lifestyle conditions like diabetes, it is also better to consult a dietitian or a healthcare expert before making any changes to your diet.

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