Cancer Awareness Day_Activ Living Community

Cancer Awareness Day: A Comprehensive Guide To 7 Preventative Strategies

Every year on the 7th of November, we celebrate National Cancer Awareness Day to observe the birth anniversary of Nobel Prize laureate Madame Curie. For the past eight years, this day has been crucial in spreading the importance of proper treatment and accurate cancer diagnosis. The World Health Organization has identified cancer as a leading cause of death on a global scale. In India alone, the disease presents with almost 1.1 million new cases each year, highlighting the need for more awareness about cancer. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

Cancer awareness: A vital cause

In India, the battle against this deadly condition started way back in 1975, with the creation of the National Cancer Control Programme, which was responsible for setting up cancer treatment centers throughout the country. After ten years, the scheme shifted focus to the early detection and prevention of cancer. On the 7th of November, people are encouraged to visit government clinics and hospitals for free cancer screening. Booklets and leaflets are also distributed to raise awareness on a mass level.   

Understanding the significance

To understand the importance of this life-threatening condition, you must know about the various types of cancer:

Talking about this health condition is imperative to spread awareness so such a disease can be detected early and effective treatments can be implemented. 

Cancer Awareness Day: Promoting education and awareness

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This day is observed to educate and spread awareness about the causes and symptoms that lead to cancer. From reading the news and online articles to attending insightful seminars, there are plenty of ways to educate yourself about the different facets of this condition and its latest treatment options. 

Here are some lifestyle changes you can incorporate to prevent cancer:

  • Quit smoking and using tobacco 
  • Eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables 
  • Incorporate physical activities into your daily routine
  • शराब के सेवन से बचें
  • Maintain a healthy body weight 
  • Avoid UV radiation (exposure to sun and tanning devices)
  • Reduce exposure to air pollutants like radon, which can accumulate over time in homes, schools and workplaces.

Getting involved in cancer awareness

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No matter how big or small, we can all get involved in raising awareness about cancer and participate on an individual level. You can raise awareness about cancer in the following ways:

  • Support cancer-related campaigns across India.
  • Host cancer-related events at a community level to spread awareness and work towards an informed society. 
  • Post informative content on social media platforms to educate others. 
  • Start a fundraiser or a marathon dedicated to raising cancer awareness to attract and align more people to the cause. 

National Cancer Awareness Day on the 7th of November serves as a vital reminder for early detection and education about cancer, aiming to reduce the impact of this severe health issue. This day urges communities to engage in preventative measures and support affected individuals. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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