Long sitting_Activ Living Community

The Dangers Of Prolonged Sitting And How To Overcome It For A Healthier Lifestyle

With long-drawn online meetings and emails where one is expected to respond “ASAP” all the time, most working professionals are unnaturally glued to their work desks for hours without taking any breaks, and it can lead to obesity and an increased risk of health hazards such as टाइप-2 डायबिटीज and heart diseases. This new year, let us break the habit of prolonged sitting together and take a step towards healthier living. 

We present to you #BeAQuitter, a 15-day program till 19th January 2024, specially curated to help you create a healthier and happier new year for yourself. Learn from experienced mental health, fitness, and nutrition experts how to quit unhealthy habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle in the new year. In this blog, fitness expert Rahul Narang will help you learn how you can quit sitting at your office desk for long hours and counter the negative impact of doing that. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

Understanding the impact of prolonged sitting

Prolonged sitting effects_Activ Living CommunityProlonged sitting is increasingly recognized as a significant health hazard, leading to various detrimental effects on your overall शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य. While setting up an ergonomic chair and work setting can help alleviate postural stress, you should also make लाइफस्टाइल में बदलाव to ensure your spinal health does not deteriorate. 

Health risks associated with prolonged sitting

Pain for sitting_Activ Living Community

Here are some of the common health risks of sitting for a prolonged time:

  • Tension in neck and shoulders: Work-related stress, accompanied by prolonged screen time, often leads to stiffness in the neck and shoulders, adversely affecting your spinal health.
  • Hip tightness: Sitting in the same posture for extended durations can tighten hip flexors, causing them to weaken and shorten over time.
  • Additional health risks: Sitting for a long time also poses health risks like obesity, diabetes, and increased risk of high cholesterol and blood pressure levels, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Weakness in legs and glute: Excessive sitting in the same position can cause swelling, discomfort and fluid accumulation in your veins. This can also lead to severe health conditions like spider veins and varicose.

Strategies to break prolonged sitting

Here are some strategies that you can use to break the habit of prolonged sitting:

Schedule a reminder

Working professionals can keep reminders on their smartwatches or calendars, which can prompt them to get up, move around and engage in light physical activity, such as stretching or walking. Even brief periods of movement, lasting minutes, can yield considerable health advantages. 

Drink plenty of water

Increasing water intake is an excellent strategy to increase your energy levels during a typical workday. To encourage frequent movement, consider filling your water bottle only halfway, necessitating more trips to refill it. Aim for approximately 8 glasses or 2 liters of water daily. 

The 30-30-30 rule: 

Every 30 minutes, for at least 30 seconds, take 30 steps away from your desk and back. Also, when you have to take phone calls, why sit? Walk while you talk to get those steps in. Consider taking the stairs while going to work, leaving work, and in between as time permits. Instead of calling out to your colleagues or messaging or mailing them, make sure you walk up to them and communicate.  If walking is not possible, get up from your desk and do some knee marches on the spot. This habit can refresh you and contribute to a more balanced workday.

Desk exercises and stretches

Integrating desk exercises into your daily routine can counteract the effects of prolonged sitting. Consider incorporating desk exercises such as seated leg lifts, desk push-ups, or shoulder rotations. Stretch exercises like neck rotations and arm stretches can alleviate muscle tension. These exercises improve flexibility and circulation. If possible, ask for a standing desk or replace your chair with an exercise ball. 

Deep breaths

Let us not forget the most basic exercise of our body that we take for granted – breathing. Take hourly pauses to take momentary breaths, which is good for your nervous system and relaxes your muscles.

Maintain body posture

Since most working professionals sit for a long period of time, ensure you don’t slouch. Keeping your back straight is vital for your spinal health. 

While prolonged sitting can lead to serious health complications, you can break this habit using the above-mentioned strategies. If you still experience symptoms of prolonged sitting, visit a healthcare expert. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruaat ABHIkaro.

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