Magnesium deficit_Activ Living Community

Magnesium Deficiency: Decoding The Hidden Dangers And Effective Solutions

Magnesium deficiency or hypomagnesemia is often overlooked as symptoms of magnesium are often silent and can vary from one person to another. Magnesium deficiency symptoms can be physical and mental, depending on your magnesium levels. 

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Introduction to magnesium deficiency

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Magnesium is a mineral important for the growth and repair of body muscles, nerves, bones and blood sugar levels. It is essential for several daily body processes, including:

  • Energy production
  • Bone and teeth health
  • Muscle function
  • DNA replication
  • RNA and protein synthesis

While our bodies are good at retaining magnesium, a low-magnesium diet and other factors can lead to magnesium deficiency. Long-term magnesium deficiency can affect

Therefore, keeping your magnesium levels stable is vital to maintaining your overall well-being.

Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Here are some signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency that you might experience depending on what stage of hypomagnesemia you are in:

Symptoms of early-stage magnesium deficiency:

  • Tiredness
  • भूख न लगना
  • कमज़ोरी
  • उल्टी 
  • जी मिचलाने की समस्या

Symptoms of mid-stage magnesium deficiency:

  • Hypocalcemia (low calcium levels)
  • Hypokalemia (low potassium levels)
  • Cramps and muscle contractions
  • Seizures
  • Personality changes
  • Coronary spasms
  • Abnormal heart rhythms

Symptoms of late-stage magnesium deficiency: 

Causes of magnesium deficiency

Here are the most common causes of magnesium deficiency:

  • टाइप-2 डायबिटीज
  • Digestive problems such as Crohn’s disease
  • A diet low in magnesium sources (especially in older people)
  • Long-term use of medications such as diuretics or medicines for acid reflux
  • Kidney problems
  • शराब की लत

Health implications of magnesium deficiency

Here are some health implications of magnesium deficiency:

Bone health

Magnesium deficiency can lead to weak bones and an increased risk of fractures. This is because magnesium deficiency lowers calcium levels, which are vital for strong and healthy bones.

Cardiovascular health

Magnesium deficiency can cause cardiovascular problems, including arrhythmia or abnormal heartbeat. This can cause heart palpitations (pauses between heartbeats).   

Mental health and mood

Magnesium deficiency can cause apathy (a mood characterized by a lack of emotion and mental numbness). Your risk of experiencing stress, depression and anxiety also increases due to low magnesium levels. 

Prevention and treatment of magnesium deficiency

Magnesium diet_Activ Living Community

You can prevent and manage magnesium deficiency by incorporating the following changes:

Eat a balanced diet that is rich in micronutrients. These include:

  • Green leafy veggies
  • नट्स और सीड्स 
  • साबुत अनाज 
  • डार्क चॉकलेट
  • Fruits like banana, papaya, berries, Avocado
  • फलियां
  • Tofu

You can also start taking certain magnesium supplements to counteract the ill effects of magnesium deficiency –

  • Magnesium oxide
  • Magnesium citrate
  • Magnesium chloride

Eat healthy foods that are rich in magnesium to get your levels back to normal. Lead an active lifestyle to utilize nutrients effectively and avoid unwanted health conditions.  

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