Working Moms_Activ Living Community

Thriving Under Pressure: Health Tips For Working Moms

When you are a working mom, your whole life can feel like a balancing act. You rush from the daycare drop-off to your big boardroom presentation. You juggle school calendars with your schedule and your babysitter’s availability. Some days are super happy and easy, and other days leave you frustrated and just plain tired.

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The balancing act between your work, family and mental health

Working mom balancing act_Activ Living Community

Striking a balance between work and home takes effort, especially for a mother. She is expected to absorb all the stress from work and still be present for her children and spouse. Working mothers are expected to excel on all fronts and maintain a balance between them. This hasn’t changed for centuries. Neither has the fact that such high expectations can lead to severe mental and physical health issues that one must be aware of. Neglecting these will tip you off the balance you worked to achieve

The unique challenges of working moms

Being a working mom is especially challenging. It constantly hovers around fulfilling responsibilities and living up to the expectations of your family at home and superiors and colleagues at work. Getting up early and staying up late takes a massive toll on a working mother’s health and mounts more challenges.

Helpful health tips for working mothers

In an attempt to live up to everyone’s needs and expectations, working moms often leave their own needs unattended. They forget the importance of self-care and are commonly met with physiological and psychological issues like back pain, digestive issues, lack of sleep, anxiety, stress and depression. Pressure to meet deadlines and family obligations quite easily causes burnout. It takes special effort to perform such a balancing act, and we are here to help. This Mother’s Day, learn to fight your challenges with simple tools:

Setting boundaries and saying no

You don’t have to run in fifth gear throughout the day. Slow down, take a break and relax. Your ‘me time’ is important for your well-being. Choose this time to engage in whatever makes you happy and lets you relax – a movie, spa, or some music. It is non-negotiable, and you must learn to say ‘no’ to anything else at that time for your own sake.

Mindfulness techniques for stress reduction

Mindfulness can be extremely vital for your mental and physiological well-being. Find time for regular exercise, yoga sessions or meditation. It can boost endorphin production, improve energy levels and cardiovascular health, and help relieve stress. Being mindful enables you to focus and declutter your mind at work and home. Mindfulness is crucial in lowering stress levels and improving mood.

Delegation and prioritization at work and home

Prioritization at work and home_activ living communityYou don’t have to do everything all at once. Some things can take a backseat. You have to learn to prioritize at home and work. Instead of giving into demands, determine what is important and what is not. Delegate your work at home when you feel overwhelmed due to the pressure. Ask your family to help out whenever they can. 

Follow a healthy and sustainable diet

Choose a healthy and, above all, sustainable diet over an unhealthy diet. Instead, incorporate a mix of sustainable, nutritious foods and exercise. Don’t skip breakfast, as it’s the most important meal of the day, especially for working moms. Prepare your food for work to avoid eating outside or overeating. Most importantly, drink plenty of fluids. 

A great way to be a happy working mother is by seeking friendship and advice to form a reliable support system. However, if your work feels overwhelming, you can reach out to a mental health expert.  

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more on पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes. Activ Living ke saath sahi sehat ki shuruaat ABHIkaro.

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