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Health Hazards: The Truth Behind 4 Myths On Vaping And Smoking

Smoking and vaping have side effects and risks. While the full long-term health impacts of e-cigarettes are yet to be completely known, research suggests that they are not a healthy substitute for smoking.

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The great debate: Is vaping safer than smoking?

For many years, smoking has been identified as a significant threat to public health, consistently warned against by health experts worldwide due to its severe health risks.

Recently, vaping has become a popular substitute for smoking. Although perceived as less harmful, vaping is highly addictive, and its long-term effects are still uncertain. Studies have associated vaping with high risks of lung and heart diseases.

Concerns are also growing about vaping’s popularity among children. With a 50% increase in children trying vaping from 2022 to 2023, it’s pertinent to study the effects of vaping scientifically.

Vaping myths debunked 

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Here are some common myths about vaping that you should know about:

Myth 1: Vaping is completely harmless 

E-cigarettes work by heating nicotine extracted from tobacco, along with flavorings and chemicals, to create an inhalable aerosol. Unlike regular cigarettes, which have around 7,000 chemicals, including many toxins, the exact chemical component of e-cigarettes is less clear. 

Despite this, vaping has been linked to a severe outbreak of lung injuries and deaths. As of February 2020, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 2,807 cases of lung injury related to e-cigarettes. 

Myth 2: E-cigarettes are just water vapor 

E-cigarettes, also known as vape pens, use a battery to heat a liquid into an aerosol that users inhale. This aerosol isn’t just harmless water vapor. This liquid typically contains nicotine (derived from tobacco), propylene glycol, flavorings, and other chemicals. Heating the e-liquid also generates additional toxic chemicals.

Facts about vaping you need to know

Here are some medical and scientifically proven facts about vaping that can help you stay safe:

 Fact 1: Vaping contains harmful chemicals 

The lack of regulation in reviewing vaping products means that the composition and effects of e-cigarettes can vary widely. However, research has consistently found harmful substances in e-cigarettes, including the following:

  • Nicotine, which is addictive and harmful to adolescent brain development
  • Propylene glycol used in paint solvent
  • Carcinogens such as acetaldehyde and formaldehyde
  • Herbicides like acrolein
  • Heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead
  • Cadmium, a toxic metal also found in traditional cigarettes

 Fact 2: Vaping can damage your lungs 

Here are some facts about how vaping affects your lungs:

  • Nicotine dependence: Vaping products contain significant amounts of nicotine, a highly addictive substance. For example, one vape can contain as much nicotine as a whole pack of 20 cigarettes. This high nicotine content can quickly lead to dependence and increase the likelihood of transitioning to cigarettes.
  • Lung damage: Short-term symptoms such as coughing, shortness of breath, chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea could indicate lung damage. If these symptoms occur, it’s essential to seek medical attention quickly.

Smoking myths exposed 

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Here are some common smoking myths that you should know about:

Myth 1: Smoking less cigarettes is harmless  

Reducing your cigarette intake does not benefit your health because of compensatory smoking, a common behavior among smokers who try to reduce their cigarette consumption. When smokers cut down on the number of cigarettes, they often inhale more deeply to maintain their usual nicotine levels, negating any potential health benefits from smoking less. 

Myth 2: “Light” cigarettes are safer

Light cigarettes still contain nicotine, tar, and carcinogens and do not reduce your exposure to these harmful substances. The only effective way to lower health risks for yourself and others is to quit smoking entirely.

Smoking facts you need to know

Here are some common smoking facts everyone should be aware of:

 Fact 1: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death

The tobacco epidemic ranks as one of the most severe public health threats globally, claiming over 8 million lives annually. Of these, more than 7 million deaths are directly linked to tobacco use, while approximately 1.3 million deaths occur among non-smokers who are exposed to second-hand smoke.

Vaping or smoking both are equally as bad 

Both vaping and smoking pose significant health risks, including lung damage and cardiovascular diseases that cannot be overlooked. Despite the perception that vaping might be a safer alternative, it still exposes smokers to harmful chemicals. Similarly, cigarettes are known to cause various types of cancers, respiratory diseases, and heart problems. You can opt for nicotine patches or chewing gums to suppress the urge to smoke. 

Ultimately, the safest choice for one’s health is to avoid both vaping and smoking entirely. If you experience any of the symptoms, visit a medical expert immediately.

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