Sleep And Heart Health_Activ Living Community

Sleep And Heart Health: 4 Simple Changes For Big Benefits

Get good sleep_Activ Living Community

Sleep is as essential to our experience as it is to our overall health. Good sleep helps your body repair itself and function at its best. Not getting enough sleep can lead to many problems, including damaged heart health. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

What health conditions are linked to a lack of sleep? 

Adults who get less than seven hours of sleep per night often report several health issues. Critical health issues include:

  • हाई ब्लड प्रेशर: Normally, blood pressure decreases during sleep. Sleep disturbances can cause spikes in blood pressure levels, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke. 
  • टाइप-2 डायबिटीज: This condition leads to elevated blood sugar levels in the blood, harming blood vessels. Research indicates that adequate quality sleep could help in managing ब्लड शुगर की मात्रा.
  • मोटापा: Insufficient sleep also contributes to weight gain, a problem that is particularly significant in children and adolescents who require more sleep than adults.

Less sleep can increase the risk of: 

The Importance of sufficient sleep for overall health 

Quality sleep is fundamental for maintaining optimal health and well-being. It helps regulate mood, cognitive function, immune response, and overall vitality. Obtaining 7-9 hours of sleep is essential for supporting physical and mental health, enhancing productivity, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

What sleep conditions can hurt my heart health? 

Insomnia_Activ Living Community

Here are two sleep conditions that can damage your heart health:

  • Sleep apnea: It occurs when your breathing is repeatedly obstructed during sleep. This disorder affects oxygen levels as you sleep and increases the risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes.
  • Insomnia involves difficulties falling asleep, staying asleep, or both. It affects up to half of adults with short-term issues at some point, and around one in ten may have chronic insomnia. Insomnia is associated with high blood pressure and heart disease. Chronic poor sleep can also foster unhealthy lifestyle choices that damage heart health, such as increased stress, reduced motivation for physical activity, and poor dietary habits.

Prioritizing sleep for a healthy heart 

Here are some practises that can help improve sleep quality, reducing the risk of health problems:

Fixed sleep schedule

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule. This can help regulate the circadian rhythm, improve sleep quality, and support heart health.

A balanced diet leads to balanced sleep 

Eat fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to promote your sleep quality. A balanced diet with nutritional values supports healthy sleep patterns and overall energy regulation.

Avoid caffeine after sunset 

Consuming coffee after dark can interfere with your sleep pattern and delay your sleep; hence, limiting your caffeine intake after daytime is an intelligent move.

Keep your bedroom dark and cool

Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool to create an optimal sleep environment. This can facilitate a deep, slumber sleep.

While poor sleeping habits can disrupt your circadian rhythm and affect your heart health, following the above tips can help you get quality sleep. If you still face difficulty sleeping, contact a healthcare professional.

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