Loss Of Appetite In Summers_Activ Living Community

Loss Of Appetite In Summers: Should I Be Concerned?

Summer appetite_Activ Living Community

The heat is rising and bringing with it a host of problems like indigestion, fatigue, food poisoning and loss of appetite. But is your body telling you to take it easy when you eat? Are you listening and eating right? Is losing appetite a temporary problem, or should you be concerned? Read on to know more.

इनके बारे में जानें:

Summer heat and loss of appetite

Eating is one of the significant factors that helps maintain body heat. It provides warmth and has a thermic effect on the body and metabolism.  Therefore, we have evolved to eat less on a hot day. This means that the body has to lower the core temperature while maintaining the rest of its functions, leading to energy consumption. To counter this, you can consume hydrating food items such as watermelons, cucumbers, berries and tomatoes.


Why do you feel like eating lighter and cooler foods during the summer? Your body begs you to consume whatever produces less heat and makes it work less to keep cool. This is due to thermoregulation, or the body’s ability to regulate heat and maintain an average core temperature. Regulating temperature is one of the main bodily functions, and summer heat can help the body find unique ways to accomplish it. The body digs into its glycogen and fat reserves for energy and controls the appetite to avoid thermogenic or heat-producing processes like digestion. Since our reserves are not enough to act as a sustainable source of energy, when the body needs food, it signals the brain to avoid complex meals and resort to lighter, healthier foods and drinks.

Listen well, eat smart!

summer drinks_activ living communityThere is nothing wrong with eating light and drinking lots of fluids during the summer. Your body is going to thank you for the help! Don’t worry about less nutrition, as the body has its way of balancing things. Here are some exciting options to choose from in the summer:

  • प्रोबायोटिक्स
    Probiotics are more relaxed and lighter and boost gut health. Even at work, you can choose options like curd, kombucha, buttermilk and lassi.
  • Fruits and juices
    Fruits are high in water content, rich in fiber, have antioxidant properties and are highly nutritious—a perfect combination to meet your dietary requirements during summer. Although whole fruits should be chosen over juices, a glass of fresh juice won’t work unless you cut down on unhealthy food items. Coconut water is another healthy option during summer to keep you hydrated and satiated.
  • Salads
    A salad with cucumbers, onions, carrots and tomatoes is rich in fibers and antioxidants and helps maintain body temperature. Additionally, it is highly effective as a meal if you are on a low-calorie meal plan.
  • Rice and beans
    Rice and beans are a lighter meal. With a balance of proteins and carbohydrates enough to maintain a low body temperature, they are a brilliant option for summer. 
  • Lemon barley water
    Lemon barley water is an effective option for regulating the body’s core temperature. Additionally, it helps control appetite, digestion and calorie intake. Lemon barley 2 water is rich in fiber; up to two glasses daily is enough.

Loss of appetite in summer is not abnormal. Hence, staying calm is the only way to deal with this dreaded heat. However, not feeling hungry is concerning as the reasons may go beyond the rising temperatures and be attributed to underlying factors such as zinc deficiency or digestive problems. Seek professional help if such problems persist and eat well to stay cool!

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