Summer fatigue_Activ Living Community

Do Summers Make You Lazy?

Climate change_Activ Living Community

Global warming significantly affects our health, especially since the summer heat is becoming unbearable yearly. In such a scenario, the body, to keep itself cool, drains the energy from within and makes us more sluggish than usual. It is seen quite often that hot outdoor ambient temperatures can negatively impact our health, resulting in poor sleep and fatigue. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

Summer fatigue is real!

Although summer fatigue results from prolonged exposure to the sun, rising temperatures can affect almost anybody. This fatigue is caused primarily by the body working harder to maintain its functions and regulate the core temperature according to the weather. Our heart rate increases, and the body consumes more energy to function optimally. Moreover, it affects melatonin production, which regulates our mood, sleeping habits, and patterns.

Reasons why we feel fatigued during the summers

The sun’s heat and physical exertion can lead to various body changes. These changes can cause multiple problems, from dehydration to electrolyte imbalance, resulting in exhaustion and fatigue during summer. There can be several reasons for this fatigue:

  • Lack of a good night’s sleep
    Melatonin plays a vital role in inducing sleep after dark. Since days are longer during summer, melatonin onset slows down. Combine this with poor habits like using phones and television during bedtime, and our sleep habits take a hit.
  • Dehydration and constipation
    Intense heat and excessive sweating quickly drain our bodies of fluids, which significantly drains our energy. Consuming heavy foods at such a time can additionally cause bloating and constipation, which can be quite taxing for our health and make us feel lethargic.
  • Low sodium level in the body
    Excessive sweating can deplete our bodies of essential minerals like sodium during summer. Low sodium levels or hyponatremia can cause muscle cramps, fatigue, dizziness and headaches.
  • Air conditioning and sudden changes in temperature
    AC rooms are difficult to resist during the scorching summer heat. However, a sudden drop in temperature while entering or exiting a cold room can drain your body of energy, so it’s important to acclimatize before entering or exiting a cold room
  • आपके हृदय के स्वास्थ्य को
    Rising temperatures can cause आपके हृदय के स्वास्थ्य को in addition to hectic daily routines. This can drain you and make you feel lethargic.

How to manage summer fatigue?

Summer fatigue can be troublesome, so here are some tips to manage it better:

  • Electrolyte balance and hydration

It is crucial to stay hydrated to compensate for excess fluid loss and stay active. Drink coconut water, lemonade, buttermilk, watermelon juice, etc., to restore electrolytes in your body. This can further prevent muscle cramps and exhaustion.

  • Say no to heavy meals

Our capability to digest heavy meals diminishes with increasing heat and fluid loss from our bodies. So, choosing a balanced diet spread over the day in small portions is wise. Have multiple small meals instead of 2-3 large, heavy ones.

  • Maintain your sleep cycle

Summer heat often affects our sleep. Therefore, it’s fundamental to get adequate sleep to overcome fatigue. Maintain your sleep cycle and eliminate distractions that prevent you from going to bed on time. Keep your phone away, no matter how tempting scrolling Instagram may seem!

  • Exercise routinely

Summer Fatigue combat_Activ Living Community

Exercise has a systemic effect in strengthening your body and improving bodily functions, including sleep. It helps you overcome lethargy, regulate the body’s core temperature and improve your eating habits. Ensure you exercise regularly but at a time that isn’t too hot to avoid dehydration and exhaustion.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun

The most crucial trick to avoid summer fatigue is preventing exposure to the sun. The scorching heat takes a toll on your body. Stay indoors, at home or work, and get out only if necessary. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause severe damage through heat strokes and heat exhaustion.

Keep these tips in mind to stay proactive and productive during the summer!

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