Finding yourself spending long hours sitting at a desk during work is a relatable feeling. But a flourishing career and push for productivity often comes at the cost of your heart health.
इनके बारे में जानें:
The cause of concern
Sitting at a desk for long hours every day significantly increases the risk of heart disease. Some may even find desk jobs satisfactory and fulfilling but the sedentary lifestyle is a silent threat to your heart. The good news is that you don’t need a complete overhaul to protect your heart. Even with your busy schedule, you can achieve ways to preserve your heart health with simple daily adjustments.
Impact of desk jobs on heart health
At first, you may find the idea of sitting all day at work enticing but this changes as soon as you realize its health impact. You may not be obese or have a habit of smoking but sitting at a desk for 8-9 hours a day is enough to raise the risk of heart disease or worse. Here is how a sedentary work life impacts your heart health:
Slow metabolism
Sitting for long hours slows your metabolism down which can lead to poor blood circulation, high cholesterol, and increased blood pressure. These conditions contribute to cardiovascular diseases.
Weight gain or obesity
It’s often too late after you realize the extra weight you put on due to a desk job. This can even lead to obesity. All that extra fat around your gut and lining your organs increases the risk of heart disease.
Blood pressure and blood sugar
Long hours of inactivity throws off our body’s ability to regulate blood pressure and ब्लड शुगर, paving the way for conditions like hypertension and type 2 diabetes. These conditions are extremely detrimental to your heart health.
A disciplined lifestyle, moderate exercises, and light stretching can prove extremely beneficial in such situations.
5 Tips to stay heart-healthy at work
Here are some tips to keep your heart healthy with a desk job:
Staying active at work
Make sure you stay active when you have a sedentary work schedule. Take the stairs as much as you can, take walks during lunchtime, and take a break to walk around at regular intervals to maintain circulation and normal ब्लड प्रेशर.
Watch what you eat and drink
Stay hydrated as much as you can. It’s easy to skip a glass of water with the work at hand but hydration is important. Avoid sugary drinks and beverages. Try to bring your lunch from home so you don’t have to eat unhealthy food from outside.
Stress management
A key aspect of good heart health is how well you manage stress. Practise meditation and deep breathing techniques, even at work. Take breaks whenever you need to slow down as it will prevent burnouts.
Desk exercises
Exercising 30-40 minutes for 3-5 days should be part of the routine to maintain your हृदय का स्वास्थ्य. But you can even practise some stretches and movements at your desk to stay active.
Neck stretches – Roll the head as far as you can towards one shoulder. Press a little to feel the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds then repeat on the other side.
Shoulder blade squeezes – Squeeze your shoulder blades tight like you are trying to touch them. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat as much as you like.
Finger reaches – Stretch your arms above your head and hold for 10 seconds. Now extend one hand a little further and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other arm.
Chair squats – Stand straight in front of your chair. Now slowly lower your body till you can feel the chair. As your glutes touch the chair, get back up slowly to reach the standing position. Repeat 10 times.
Calf raises – Stand with your chair in front. Hold it for support. Raise your heels off the ground as much as you can and squeeze the calves. Now, slowly lower your heels. Repeat 10 times.
Active commuting
Active commuting is a great way to sneak in some activity when options are limited. If you live close to your workplace, walk to work or ride a bike. If you take the bus or train, try to walk to the bus stop or railway station.
Maintaining good heart health is important for your overall well-being. Incorporate these simple yet effective steps into your routine to maximize health benefits.
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