knee feature_Activ Living Community

5 Exercises For Knee Pain And Strengthening

Knee pain is common among people of all ages. Knee pain may be because of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions – including arthritis, or infections – can also cause knee pain.

Exercises for knees can not only improve strength and mobility but also prevent future injuries

इनके बारे में जानें:

How can exercises for knees help with strength and mobility?

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Knee pain is often related to the muscles supporting the joint. We are quick to blame it on age, injury, or conditions like arthritis when exercises for knees can help improve our situation. When we experience knee pain we may think it’s due to damage to our muscles or the joint but it is mostly an issue of strength and flexibility. Exercises for knees strengthen the muscles that support the knees and improve mobility by stretching the iliotibial band (IT band) that runs down from the outside of our thighs. Most of the time, physiotherapy for knees is enough to tackle knee pain as it targets the muscles that support the knees and improves mobility.

Try these 5 knee exercises to strengthen your knees

The muscles in the legs and glutes stabilize the knees. These muscles must be strong to help stretch the knees and allow a full range of motion. Weak muscles can shift the load elsewhere and cause strain in areas that are not supposed to handle such load. Here are 5 knee exercises to strengthen your muscles and mitigate knee pain.

  • Static quadriceps exercises

This is a simple exercise that requires only a rolled towel. Lie flat on your back and place the towel roll under one knee. Press down on the towel as much as you can. You’ll experience tightening of the quadriceps (thigh muscles). Hold the position for 5 seconds then release. Repeat the same 5-10 times then move on to the other knee.

  • Dynamic quadriceps exercises

Sit upright on a chair, sofa, or bed with your feet firmly on the floor. Pull the toes of one leg up and raise the leg to straighten your knee. You will feel the quadriceps (thigh muscles) tighten and a stretch in your calf as your ankle faces you. Hold the position for a few seconds then release. Repeat 5-10 times and do the same for the other leg.

  • Pillow squeeze

This exercise can be done in a lying position or a seated position. Lie flat on your back and pull the heels towards your glutes to bend the knees. Place a pillow between your knees and hold it to prevent the pillow from falling. Do this for 5 seconds and repeat it for 5-10 times. Sit upright on a chair and do the same to perform the seated variation.

  • Straight leg raises

Lie flat on your back and drag the heels towards your glutes to bend the knees. Now extend one leg to straighten it with the toes pointing up and the ankle facing the body. Raise the leg and hold it for 5 seconds. You’ll feel a stretch in your calf and hamstrings while the quadriceps tighten. Repeat it 5-10 times then move on to the other leg.

  • Calf stretch

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Stand straight in an upright position with your hands by your side. Lift your heels and hold for 5 seconds to contract your calves. As you release you’ll feel a nice stretch in the calf muscles. Repeat 5-10 times.

These exercises are enough to improve the strength and mobility of the knees but sometimes you need a specialist. If you’re experiencing pain due to an injury from a fall or a blow, and if the pain persists for a month hindering your daily activities then consult a doctor immediately.

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