
5 Must-Have Health And Fitness Apps For Your Wellness Journey

If hitting the gym, attending a yoga session or jogging in your neighbourhood does not excite you anymore, maybe it’s time to tweak things a bit by adding a little tech to your regular workout. With that sentiment in mind, here are some interesting smartphone apps that you can use for a wearable or standalone to add a new element to your regular exercise routines.

1 The Yoga-pedia app

For iOS

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Even something as ancient as yoga has received a digital upgrade thanks to the Yoga-pedia app. Yoga-pedia allows you to select a specific use for the app. It comes complete with more than 80 Asanas. In much the same way as the old fashion encyclopaedia, where the app no doubt gets inspiration for its catchy name, the app is segregated into convenient categories. It contains instructions via videos so you can be sure you’re getting the poses right. Yoga-pedia even lets you select the goals that you wish to achieve. If you just want exercise benefits, the app allows you to achieve just that. If you’re looking for a more spiritual way to unwind, Yoga-pedia has a purpose and plan for that too. While the app is free to download and use, it does have in-app purchases to get rid of the ads etc.


2 The Workout Trainer app

For iOS
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This exercise app gives you the option to target specific areas of your body. Do you want bigger biceps? With consistent use, the Workout trainer app will get you those bulging biceps by suggesting exercises specifically designed to work your arms. If your legs need some toning, it will suggest leg exercises. It can also suggest workouts that benefit your entire body. So you choose what you want to work on and get started. Another app that’s free to use with in-app purchases.


3 HealthifyMe

For iOS
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HealthifyMe provides you with your own nutritionists, yoga, and fitness coach who will give you a plan that is suitable for your personal requirements. Whether you want to lose or gain weight or just stay fit, this is a great app to use. It’s a complete fitness app in itself. Owing to the continuous monitoring along with personal coaching from India’s top nutritionists and fitness trainers, 60% of the premium users have reported experiencing visible changes, having lost up to 2 kg in the very first month. It’s also free to use with in-app purchases and add-on features that aren’t available with the free edition.


4 The Seven-Minute Workout app

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If you’re crunched for time, this might be the perfect health and fitness app for you. All you need are seven minutes a day to get your blood flowing and body moving thanks to The Seven-Minute Workout. A short break is provisioned for between each minute and an alarm will sound after the completion of each. The Seven-Minute Workout has specific categories to choose from if you are only interested in targeting certain areas of your body as opposed to improving your overall fitness. It’s free with in-app purchases.


5 Endomondo

For iOS
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If you are into wearables, the Endomondo app is the exercise app for you. It’s like having your own private physical trainer. It’s quite versatile and compatible with Pebble, Garmin, Samsung Gear, Apple watch, and Android Wear wearables. It can also work in partnership with other health and fitness apps like the above mentioned MyFitnessPal to ensure you are getting the best possible work out for your own individual needs and goals. It’s free with in-app purchases.

There are plenty of other options to choose from, some may be free to use with ads and have a paid or subscription model as well. They’re sure to help make things interesting.