
The Health Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger can be considered a ‘treasure chest’ of remedies. It has several health benefits because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. We have been using ginger for cooking and medicinal purposes for centuries. Regular ginger consumption can help you manage weight and arthritis. Ginger can help with nausea and stomach problems. When taken as a health supplement, ginger can also aid in managing the effects of टाइप-2 डायबिटीज. It has many healing properties and can benefit you from soothing sore throats. 

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Ginger can be found in a flowering plant in Southeast Asia. Its tangy flavor adds zest to sweet and savory dishes. It comes from the Zingiberaceae family and resembles turmeric, cardamom and galangal. The part of the ginger that generally gets used is the rhizome, the underground part of the plant. It is also known as ginger root or just ginger. Different forms of ginger, like dried ginger to ginger oil and juice, can be used and added to various dishes. Ginger contains almost 100 active compounds responsible for the health benefits of ginger, like, shogaols, parasols and gingerols. This plant grows up to a height of about three feet and features clusters of greenish-purple flowers. Depending on the type of ginger plant, the color of the inside of the ginger root can vary from yellow, red to even white. While harvesting gingers, the entire plant is pulled off from the ground, the leaves are removed, and the root is cleaned.  

Why is ginger a magical health herb?

Scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, Ginger has been revered for its medicinal properties and culinary uses for centuries. Often referred to as a ‘magical health herb’, it is believed that the health benefits of Ginger come from its rich composition of bioactive compounds. Due to its diverse therapeutic effects, this root has been a staple in traditional medicine systems such as Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and other indigenous practises.

Health benefits of ginger

Here are some of the health benefits of ginger that you can get by adding it to your daily diet:  

Better digestion

Ginger stimulates digestive enzymes, reducing indigestion and bloating. It enhances nutrient absorption and supports overall gut health. It has been found that consuming ginger before main meals can help you greatly to manage indigestion for people suffering from functional dyspepsia. In addition, it is also known that consuming ginger can help you to maintain healthy bowel movements through your digestive tract, resulting in a much lesser risk of constipation.      

Improves immunity

People widely use ginger to recover from colds, flu and other infections. Fresh gingers can help you greatly in protecting your respiratory system. Daily consumption of ginger can also help in boosting your immune system. Ginger also features a lot of antioxidants, resulting in enhanced immunity against several diseases.  

Eases nausea and dizziness

Ginger positively affects your stomach lining, reducing irritation that can trigger nausea. It can help relax the stomach muscles, preventing spasms contributing to sickness and nausea. Ginger is also known to affect serotonin receptors in the gut and brain. Ginger’s interaction with these receptors can help alleviate nausea and vomiting. Consuming ginger can also help you eliminate the gas in your intestines. 

May help with weight loss

Consuming ginger can keep you satiated for a long time. As a result, you can control hunger pangs, potentially leading to reduced calorie intake. Improved digestion through ginger consumption can aid in maximum nutrient absorption and reduce digestive discomfort. Efficient digestion supports your body’s ability to utilize nutrients, reducing cravings for high-calorie foods.

Can help with osteoarthritis

Ginger contains compounds like gingerol and its derivatives, which have anti-inflammatory effects. These compounds can help reduce the inflammation contributing to joint pain and stiffness in osteoarthritis. As it reduces inflammation, you can experience better joint function. Less inflammation means less swelling and stiffness, allowing for better mobility and range of motion.

Soothes sore muscles

Ginger won’t get rid of muscle pains entirely. But one of the health benefits of ginger is that it will reduce soreness over time. Ginger has vasodilatory effects on our body, opening up the blood vessels to reach sore places, resulting in faster recovery.  

Keeps your mouth healthy

Keeping your mouth healthy can also help in maintaining oral hygiene. Gingerols can stop oral bacteria from growing in your mouth. These bacterias are also responsible for causing periodontal disease, a severe gum condition. 

Lowers blood sugar

 Oxidative stress can contribute to insulin resistance and impair the function of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Ginger’s antioxidant compounds can help reduce oxidative stress, supporting healthier insulin secretion, resulting in a stable blood sugar level. Ginger boosts insulin sensitivity, allowing cells to respond better to insulin’s actions and improving blood sugar control. According to research, some individuals took 1200-1300 mg of ginger daily for 13 weeks. It was found that their: 

Treats asthma

Asthma is typically caused due to chronic inflammation and constriction of the airways, leading to breathing difficulties. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce airway inflammation, alleviating some asthma symptoms.

No matter the season, this wonderful spice is readily available in all households. Its distinctive, strong flavor, has been used in foods, juices, teas, curries, and even desserts. No wonder ginger is considered one of the most vital herbs. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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