Green Tea

Health Benefits of Drinking Tea

Are you a heavy tea drinker? Do you drink tea daily? If yes, then you are on the right track, as there are numerous health benefits of drinking tea and its varieties. 

For thousands of years, tea has been a popular drink around the world, right from being a medicinal drink to being a recreational beverage. Different types of tea are derived by processing Camellia sinensis leaves.

इनके बारे में जानें:

What is tea?

Tea is a refreshing drink that is prepared by soaking tea leaves in boiling water. Tea has several health benefits, and it is often used as a medicinal herb. 

Health benefits of drinking tea

Here are some of the health benefits of drinking tea on a regular basis:

  • Contains antioxidants: Antioxidants prevent cell damage. All varieties of tea are known to contain high levels of antioxidant polyphenols that keep you healthy and refreshed at all times.
  • Lowers stress: Black tea gradually reduces stress levels. Black tea helps tackle sudden stress triggers effectively, ranging from experiencing hardships at work and/or troubles in personal life.
  • Reduces risk of heart attack: Accumulation of blood clots in the heart often causes heart attacks and strokes. Black tea helps reduce the risk of a fatal heart attack in the drinker.
  • ब्लड प्रेशर को कम करता है: Tea reduces the risk of high blood pressure levels by almost 50% Green and oolong tea have been reported to be widely effective in this respect.
  • Aids Digestive System: Green tea is popular as an after-meal digestive. It contains polyphenols and antioxidants that help relieve gas and flatulence. Herbal tea aids in digestion and promotes a healthy digestive system
  • Increases metabolism: Green tea increases metabolism by burning close to 70-80 calories. 
  • Reduces insomnia: Rooibos, also known as red tea, is known for its relaxing effects and eases irritation and inflammation in the body. Rooibos is caffeine-free as it is a shrub consumed as a tea. It also helps in increasing concentration in children.
  • Keeps blood sugar levels in check: Catechin and polysaccharides in the tea can help reduce your blood sugar levels. 
  • Fight infection: Alkylamine antigens present in tea improve the body’s immune system and fights infections in the body.
  • Best medicine for arthritis: Tea drinkers are less likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis than those who do not drink it at all.
  • Protects against cavities and gum diseases: Drinking green tea regularly helps protect your teeth against gum disease, bad breath and cavities.
  •  Helps manage weight: The process of oxidation is prolonged in the case of black tea compared to other types, such as green, white or oolong tea. Drinking around three cups of black tea every day for three months helps manage weight.

These health benefits of drinking tea can help enhance your overall physical and mental health.

Different types of health tea options

Here is a list of 10 types of healthy herbal teas:

  • Peppermint tea
  • Ginger Tea
  • हिबिस्कस टी
  • Sage tea
  • ग्रीन टी
  • Oolong tea 
  • Black tea
  • Yellow tea
  • नीलगिरी चाय

How many times should you have tea in a day?

You can drink tea 5 to 7 times a day. However, drinking more than 9 cups of tea can negatively affect health. Several types of tea contain caffeine. Excess caffeine intake can cause anxiety, mood swings and digestive issues. In addition, excessive tea intake can lead to a low iron intake.   

The major health benefit of drinking tea and its varieties is that they are good for your health in many ways. Consider having it without sugar or milk to reap maximum benefits!

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in पोषण, फिटनेस, सचेतन, और लाइफस्टाइल से जुड़ी बीमारियां like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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