
Easy Yoga Poses For Office And Workplace

Yoga is a combination of mental, spiritual and physical practises, which is not just followed outdoors. In fact, working professionals can perform yoga asanas in their workplace to increase productivity and motivate employees. 

इनके बारे में जानें:

Importance of employee wellness in the workplace

In today’s stressful workplace environment, the need for employee wellness is important. After all, their well-being will directly impact employee productivity and satisfaction. Employees spend nearly 50 hours of their week working, which is a huge chunk of their lives. To put it simply, the office, for many, is a second home.

That is why it makes sense to introduce employees to an environment where they feel nurtured, valued, and comfortable. Therefore, the 21एसटी of June, International Day of Yoga, is the perfect time to introduce yoga in the office.

Benefits of office yoga

Office yoga holds great benefits for the workplace as it improves postures and reduces stress and anxiety, thereby creating harmony in the office. Even lifestyle diseases like hypertension and high cholesterol can be reduced with yoga. Let’s look at some of its benefits.

  • Increased energy levels: Working long hours can lower energy levels and cause fatigue. Therefore, practising office yoga for short intervals can increase blood circulation and boost energy levels.
  • Higher productivity: Office yoga is known to improve cognitive performance and bring about higher concentration, memory and learning levels while enhancing mental agility.
  • Improved posture: Because working professionals spend most of their time sitting in chairs, their hunched postures can be harmful to their health. Yoga poses can help improve posture, increase flexibility and reduce stiffness.
  • Fewer work days lost: Most work days lost are due to stress, and anything that reduces stress will ensure lesser lost days of work. Here is where yoga can help reduce stress.
  • Healthier and happier staff: Yoga ensures a stronger immune system, and by having yoga practises in the office, you can rest easy knowing your employees are more resilient. Additionally, it is known to improve mood and give people a more positive attitude due to the release of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins.
  • Less stressed colleagues: Yoga reduces heart rate, tension and blood pressure, which will ultimately have a positive impact on depression and anxiety.

How to introduce office yoga in the workplace

As workplace wellness is becoming integral to a company’s culture, it is becoming important to introduce a programme that is accessible and improves physical and mental well-being. Here are some ways to introduce yoga in the office.

  • Introduce yoga and its benefits and gauge employee interest. 
  • Find a yoga teacher that is certified and well-accredited.
  • Choose a yoga space like a large meeting room or any clear space.
  • Run a yoga trial and get feedback from employees.
  • Schedule your yoga classes as per your organization’s needs.

Types of yoga poses

Try these office yoga poses: 

  • Crescent Moon Pose

This pose helps you to improve your concentration while clearing your head. Simply,

  Stretch your arm upwards

  Face your palm to the ceiling

  Lean towards your side

  • Chair Pigeon Pose

By doing this pose, you will relax your hips and lower spine. All you need to is

  Keep one leg over the other


  In a slow stretch, move your upper body

  • Seated Spinal Pose

This pose will help you relieve all the tension in your back while easing digestion. Simply,

  Keep your feet flat on the floor

  Turn towards the back of the chair

  Hold it and breathe slowly

  • Upward Salute

This pose should help you realign your posture while improving blood flow. All that needs to be done is

  Sit tall and inhale

  Let your palms face each other and raise your arms to the ceiling

Tips for practising yoga in the office

  • If you feel too worked up, take a small meditation break and focus on your breathing
  • Do a few stretches before starting
  • Remove your shoes before doing yoga
  • Loosen your tie and belt for flexibility

Yoga improves your blood circulation, calms your brain, and increases your energy levels throughout the day, which greatly helps in managing chronic ailments. 

Stay tuned to the Activ Living Community. Keep up to date with the latest health tips and trends through expert videos, podcasts, articles, and much more in nutrition, fitness, mindfulness, and lifestyle conditions like Asthma, Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Diabetes.

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