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Skin Diseases In Rainy Season: Prevention And Treatment

Monsoon Skin Problems in India-Activ Together
Monsoon Skin Problems in India

Like every coin has two sides, monsoon also hosts two different sets of experiences. One set deals with the green land and pleasant weather you would enjoy, and another set involves the overall unhygienic conditions leading to probable negative consequences. So, it becomes of utmost importance that you keep your health in check to make the most of this rainy season. When you talk about maintaining health, does it mean it is restricted to your diet or physical exercise? No. Since you are in constant touch with contaminated water while traveling and due to the humid environment in monsoon, skin, and fungal infections also take no time to spread their attack.

Monsoon Skin Infection Diseases That You Should Protect Yourselves From:

एक्जिमा (त्वचा पर दाग-धब्बे)

Since your skin is exposed to increased humidity during monsoon, it tends to lose the ability to retain moisture and turn eczematic. Your skin tends to be highly dry, itchy, red, and blistered. Apply salt or coconut oil on the affected areas of your skin to get relief from this non-contagious dermatological condition. Also, prefer comfortable cloth fabrics made of cotton over silk, polyester, etc. to help your skin pores breathe and hence, avoid skin irritation.

स्केबीज (खाज)

During the rains, there is no escape from being in contact with contaminated water. This gives way to scabies, a contagious water-related disease, caused by parasitic mites. These mites are usually invisible to the naked eye and provide discomfort through intense itching and skin rashes. In the wake of such symptoms, it is advisable to seek medical treatment because if left untreated, it can prove fatal and spread among the people around you through shared clothing, bedding, etc.

Athlete’s Foot

More often than not, during monsoon, you might experience itching on your feet or witness cracked or discolored toenails. This could be due to an Athlete’s foot, a fungal infection contracted while you dodge through puddles of water in this damp season. While this is not a serious skin infection, it is highly contagious. Make sure you avoid sharing clothing, and footwear accessories, and opt for closed footwear.


The red, circular patches that you observe on your neck, armpits, or soles of your feet during monsoon could possibly be ringworm, a fungal infection thanks to the moist climate. Since this disease spreads to body parts rapidly and easily through contact, it is essential that you make sure that your belongings are not shared with anyone, and that your skin is kept clean always.


Precautions for Monsoon Skin Infection Diseases:

  1. Washing & Your Feet & Hands:

    Pay attention to personal hygiene at all times by bathing daily and washing your feet and hands once you reach home.

  2. Keep Yourself Dry:

    Try to keep yourself dry since staying wet for too long can give rise to several skin infections.

  3. Don’t Share Personal Belongings:

    Avoid sharing your personal belongings since most skin diseases are contagious.

  4. Use Dermatologist Approved Products:

    Use dermatologist-approved soaps, skin creams, and powders, and keep the health of your skin in check.

  5. Wear Breathable Fabrics:

    Avoid clothes, and socks of synthetic fabric as they do not allow skin pores to breathe or evaporate of sweat from your skin.

In spite of taking such preventive measures, you might get affected by infections. In cases where the disease aggravates, consult a dermatologist for medical treatment. Having your हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस प्लान्स also aids in handling your critical health diseases in a secure manner. Take care of your diet, skin, and body, and rejoice in this monsoon the healthy way, in all aspects!