Keep your hands clean

कोरोनावायरस से सुरक्षित रहने के 4 तरीके

Measures To Take In The COVID-19 Outbreak - Activ Living

As per updates from the World Health Organisation, Indians do not need to panic amid the novel coronavirus breakout. This is because most of the COVID-19 cases in India are being reported by people with a history of traveling to affected countries.
Further, India has efficient medical facilities, as per international guidelines, that can treat patients with coronavirus. If you are worried about the news updates and information being dispensed at this time, you can consider the following points.

Here’s What You Should Do:

● Maintain proper hygiene and follow preventive methods like regularly washing hands.

● Trust only credible sources of information and do not believe forwards, articles, etc. from non-verified sources.

● Do not share unreliable information and encourage others to do the same.

● Stay indoors and avoid going out until government notices declare otherwise.

Certain messages also claim false facts about the spread and decline of the novel coronavirus.

Here Are Some Common Inaccurate Pieces Of Information That You Should Not Believe:

1 Coronavirus Spread Will Decline With Increasing Temperature

There is no research supporting this fact yet. Many attempts are being made to study the exact factors that kill the coronavirus. However, studies do not show that the virus would stop spreading in the summer.

2 Coronavirus Does Not Spread In Humid Temperatures

Experts say that there is not enough data to support this claim. There is a chance this might be true, but it is too soon to confirm this.

3 Coronavirus Is Deadly

Although it is true that COVID-19 is a new virus and does not have a permanent cure, very few cases are severe. How much a person will be affected also depends on their age and how they maintain physical health. People who are elderly or have health conditions need to take more precautions. Most patients, however, experience mild symptoms which are curable. Contact your doctors to know if you have pre-existing illness and if a chronic disease management plan is necessary.

Convey accurate information to your family and exercise and stay fit while you are in quarantine. Cover hospitalization expenses due to Coronavirus with a comprehensive health insurance plan. Visit our health tips blog articles which educate you on topics like mental health in quarantine, prevention of Coronavirus and positive impact on the lockdown.