
4 Tips On How To Stay Fit And Healthy Without Working Out


With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing everyone to stay home, you can’t go to the gym or even for your daily walk. When your normal routine has been disrupted, it can be hard to find new ways to stay fit. You might try to start a new workout routine at home, but with all the additional stress, it can be difficult to keep on track. It is okay to not feel motivated in a time like this. The lockdown is an unprecedented event that takes some getting used to.

However, it is important that you find new ways to keep fit and healthy. Any form of keeping active in these times is good, so find ways to keep moving.

Here Are A Few Ideas That Can Keep You Fit Without Exercising

1 Deep Cleaning:

This might be a good time to clean out the cupboards and the drawers that are packed full with stuff you don’t use. You’ll be surprised at how much energy you can spend emptying shelves, moving boxes, and clearing away the clutter. When you are done with sorting things out, you can sweep up all the discarded stuff with a broom and pack it away in a garbage bag. You won’t only have a cleaner space, but you will also feel good.

Clean Out Your Wardrobes - Activ Living

2 नृत्य:

If you love to dance, then set aside time as often as possible to put on music and get moving. If you can’t seem to find the time, then dance while doing other jobs around the house. Put on music while cooking and shake while you’re stirring the pot. Have music when folding clothes and dance along. Play fast dance music that you enjoy as that will get you in the mood to dance.

Dance While You Do Your Chores - Activ Living

3 Baking Bread:

The trick to making good bread is in kneading the dough. This takes quite a bit of upper body strength. Try some new bread recipes and take your time while kneading the dough to make it as soft and stretchy as possible. You will get delicious homemade bread and you would have exercised your arms as well.

Learn To Bake Bread From Scratch - Activ Living

4 Playing With Kids:

If you have young kids at home then exercise becomes so much easier. Play fun games with them so that they are entertained and you get a workout. You can carry your child and lift them a few times for an arm workout, or you could sit and lift them with your legs for lower body toning. You can also play dancing games with them or pretend to be soldiers in boot camp.

Playing With Your Kids - Activ Living

By incorporating exercise into your daily tasks, it does not feel like you’re working out, but you can still enjoy the benefits for your health. Try one of these activities each day.