Work From Home Burnout- Activ Living

15 Easy Ways To Effectively Prevent Work-From-Home Burnout By Dr. Aditi Govitrikar

Welcome to the Activ Living Podcast. In this podcast, Dr. Aditi Govitrikar touches on the feeling that most working professionals will be facing in today’s time – occupational burnout.

What is Occupational burnout?

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen many people working from home for many months. This is a unique experience that we have not dealt with before as a society. The fact that most people are working longer hours at home than they did in the office points to the kind of stress people are under.

The financial journalist and author Kathy Kristof explained this problem in a direct way ‘The most important thing is to have dedicated office space where you can close the door and have set office hours… I did the opposite and allowed work to swallow my home life for a while… Stupid mistake.

Here are few signs that you are suffering or are on the verge of work-from-home burnout: avoiding work, disinterest in daily tasks, decline in work or even an inability to disconnect from work. Aditi Govitrikar, a health and wellness expert, offers some timely and useful tips like taking a digital detox and maintaining a healthy lifestyle at home. This Activ Living Podcast is a comprehensive guide to the mental well-being of your personal life and your family too.