Children's day Ideas Activ Living

5 Exercises For Kids At Home

This children’s day, set your child on the path of staying healthy. Exercise at home for kids is important not just to maintain their immunity but also to keep them from getting bored.

Here Are 5 Fun Exercises For Kids To Do Indoors.

1 नृत्य 

Dancing - Activ Living

Parenting blogger and author, Dipika Singh, enrolled her daughter in an online dance class to keep her active. If your child enjoys dance too, you can get them to join a dance class or pick a डांस वर्कआउट ऑनलाइन. 

2 Hot Seat Squats 

Hot Seat Squat- Activ Living

Squats can help your child build endurance and strength. To make this exercise fun for them, keep a low seat or stool behind them and play a game. They have to squat without touching the seat, or pretend the ‘hot seat’ will burn their behinds. 

3 Crab stand

Crab Stand- Activ Living

The crab stand or crab walk is a silly exercise for kids that improve score strength. Your child has to sit with the feet in front and hands behind them. Then lifting up their hips off the floor they can either stay in that position or try to walk. 

4 कूदने

Skipping- Activ Living

Skipping is another fun exercise for kids at home. It increases heart rate, exercises the whole body, and improves core strength. It is also a good exercise for their mind as it uses both the left brain and right brain. 

5. योगा

Yoga for Kids- Activ Living

योग is beneficial for people across all age groups. Try doing yoga regularly as a family along with your kid. This will calm their minds and also keep them flexible and healthy.

Apart from exercising, it is important to give your kids the right nutrition during the lockdown. Browse more such health tips on our blog for fitness and lifestyle.