Low-Fibre Foods That Make You More Fit - Activ Living

Low Fiber Foods: A Comprehensive List For A Low Fiber Diet

1 लो-फाइबर डाइट क्या होती है?

A low-fibre diet or low residue diet is when you limit the amount of fibre you eat each day by restricting foods that are high in fibre. Though fibre is good for health, for some, it may be difficult for the digestive system to process.

Sometimes a doctor may recommend a low-fibre diet to treat cramping or diarrhoea to give the digestive system some rest, but there are some other digestive problems associated with fibre intolerance like:

  • Diverticulitis Crohn’s disease
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  • अल्सरेटिव कोलाइटिस

2 What Are The Foods To Avoid If You Are On A Low-fibre Diet?

If you are on a low-fibre diet here’s a list of some foods that are not advisable as they increase bowel activity

  • Whole-wheat bread
  • Wheat and wheat products
  • Brown rice
  • Raw uncooked vegetables
  • Pulses like chickpeas, kidney beans, baked beans, lentils
  • Legumes 
  • नट्स
  • Fatty meat
  • Fruits and dry fruits 
  • Caffeinated drinks

3 What Can You Eat While On A Low-fibre Diet?

Low-fibre foods are not the best options and it is generally prescribed as a temporary meal plan just to rest your digestive system. Here are the foods that can be eaten for a low-fibre diet:

  • फलों और सब्जियों 

Fruits And Vegetables - Activ Living

The fruits you can consume when on a low-fibre diet should be the ones without seeds or peels like honeydew melons, bananas, papaya, watermelon. Vegetables without seeds and peels that are cooked can be consumed. Vegetables like carrots, lettuce, cucumber, asparagus tips, beet, string beans are best suited for a low-fibre diet.

  • Non-vegetarian foods

Tender cuts like pork, lamb, fish, poultry are generally allowed when one is on a low fibre आहार. It’s best to have them broiled, stewed or roasted.

  • डेयरी

As far as dairy products are concerned, people on a low fibre diet are advised to limit their consumption of milk to not more than 2 cups. Milk like soya milk, rice milk, almond milk and lactose free milk is best suited for this diet.

  • अनाज 

Avoid cereals that contain oatmeal, bran, granola and the ones nuts and dried fruits. Refined cereals made of either corn or rice are recommended for a low-fibre diet.

  • Sweets and desserts 

Any dessert containing fruits and nuts should be avoided while desserts like pies, cookies, plain puddings, fruit juice lollies and custard are normally allowed for this diet.

4 Tips To Include Low-fibre Foods In Your Diet

  • On a low fibre diet important vitamins and minerals like potassium, folic acid, vitamin C, calcium, may be required as the diet restricts certain kinds of food that contain these vitamins and minerals.
  • People on a low-fibre diet are generally advised to limit their fibre intake to 7-10 grams per day.
  • A high fluid intake is essential while on a low-fibre diet to avoid constipation.
  • Avoid foods with more than 2 grams of fibre per serving.
  • Avoid fatty foods that increase stool bulk.
  • Use vegetable oils to cook meals for a low-fibre diet.

Follow these simple tips and diet to stay healthy. For more information on how to lead a healthy lifestyle download the Fitness and Nutrition ब्लॉग.

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